Helping Hand

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Having managed to convince the other to find MK's own tether himself Red Son grabbed his wrist again, taking in a deep breath before closing his eyes. MK, not sure whether to keep his eyes open or closed kept them open, watching Red Son's face as the demon's closed eyes squinted in concentration. 

It took a second but then MK felt it, red hot magic suddenly there alongside his own, poking around and prodding. 

It was a weird feeling, like having your soul open for the world to see and MK suddenly felt extremely nervous and uncomfortable.

The heat from that vibrant red was intense, lava boiling through his body uncomfortable, nothing at all like the warm, comfortable glow that was there beneath it and always had been. Despite the burning, MK was oddly drawn to the new sensation, torn between studying it closer and pulling away. 

Something tugged on that same thing MK sought out whenever he tried telepathically communicating with Monkey King and ran along with it and he shivered at the feeling, fighting the instinct to wrench his hand away until there was this tug and somehow he could suddenly feel exactly where to go. 

"Woah." He found himself saying in awe, noticing instantly just how far away it was, how far away they were, when Red Son let go, stepping away from MK rather quickly and sighing.

"Okay, there we go. Now you know where he is and I'm done. You're welcome." He seemed in a huge hurry to get away, MK reaching out in panic before the older could move away from him and latching onto his wrist. 

"Wait. I don't remember exactly where it was, what if I need to do it again?" He called out, eyes wide with worry and Red Son rolled his eyes. 

"Well, what do you expect me to do about it?" He asked, the tone in his voice saying that it was less of a question and more of a statement telling MK to figure it out himself. 

"Well..." MK rubbed his arm, letting go of Red Son's wrist as he did so.

"You could come with?" He offered slowly, and then at seeing the immediate refusal and disgust blooming on the others' face he added quickly, 

"just until we get there! You don't have to do anything and I did say my favor was helping me find Monkey King which technically could include making sure I actually do find him..." He trailed off, watching as his words made the refusal die on Red Son's tongue before it turned into a heavy sigh as he dragged a hand down his face. 

"Frustrating... peasant..." He growled very quietly and MK wasn't sure whether or not he was supposed to have heard that or not. 

"Fine! Fine. My word is my word and I did say that I would find him for you so I, Red Son, will journey with you until you reach your destination." MK cheered his smile wide on his cheeks. 

"Yay! Thank you so much!" MK went to hug him but Red Son put an arm out to stop him. 

"But! Keep in mind that I will be leaving as soon as we get there. Nor do I want any part in socializing or helping your friends along the way." MK nodded vigorously at the stipulations, agreeing instantly. It didn't occur to him at all that maybe he should have talked this through with the group first and it never would. 

"Right! Let's get going then! I can't wait, this is going to be great." MK squealed as he swung out of his chair, clapping his hands as he began skipping quickly towards the door. 

"I can't wait to show you our boat!" He looked back, pausing as he waited for Red Son to stand up, noticing that he hadn't moved. 

Red Son, realizing he wasn't lucky enough for MK to have left without him, not noticing the older wasn't following, sighed and stood up, making his way over and following MK relatively closely hoping that it would prevent MK from grabbing his arm to make him move faster if he trudged behind. 

He was not looking forward to this.  

They went down the hallway and Red Son could see the room the group of others' were in, footsteps slowly and hesitation growing the closer they got. 

"Actually-" He jolted to a stop, his body moving before his brain could tell it not to as he fumbled for an explanation as to why he'd stopped without mentioning his nerves. That he didn't have, mind you! He was Red Son! Part of the Demon Bull family! Nerves were something he simply didn't get. He was above such feelings. 

"I should inform my parents of my upcoming involvement with you and your... friends." He grimaced at the last word like it was some sort of disease. 

"Why don't you go ahead and let them know the arrangements while I do that to save time? Then I'll come in as soon as I'm done and we can leave." He nodded to himself and left before MK could actually give an answer, briskly walking away while MK watched, waiting until the other was out of reach before turning around himself and bursting back into the room with his friends. 

Immediately he was talking.

"Guys! I know where Monkey King is!" He yelled out and Mei, who had been stood up holding a vase over her head near the fireplace, grinned and dropped the vase instantly. It shattered on the floor but she didn't blink at the sound, hoping over with a smile. 

"Really? That's great news, let's go!" She pumped a fist above her head in excitement, turning to leave before MK slid his eyes away from hers, looking down at the floor and rubbing the back of his head.       

"Well..." He took in a deep breath then hesitantly frowned, pushing his hands together as he spoke the next part out. 

"I know roughly where he is." Mei looked put off and everyone else looked disappointed and he quickly reassured them. 

"But the good news is that Red Son is coming with to help with that! So we'll know exactly where we're going and isn't that great?" He spoke very enthusiastically in hopes that his confidence would dissuade the others from asking any questions. 

"WHAT? MK how could you let that guy come with us? His family has tried to take over the city and he helped! He's a bad guy!" Mei yelled and MK quickly shook his head, shaking in front of him as well. 

"He's not that bad. He did agree to help us after all. Please, guys? He knows what he's doing." He looked over at the others, eyes scanning across their body language and hoping they'd agree. 

Pigsy had his arms crossed which was never a good sign. 

"I don't know about this..." He said but it wasn't an outright objection so MK would take it. 

"We'll all be there to keep an eye on him anyway and he could be totally chill. We shouldn't judge him based on a few, minor things he's done."  MK hoped no one would call him out on the fact that most wouldn't consider trying to take over the city 'minor' and luckily no one did. 

"Only if you're sure about this..." Pigsy said and MK nodded enthusiastically, head bobbing up and down.

"I am! One hundred percent." He assured and Red Son took that moment to walk into the room.  

(Heya, I hope you all enjoyed this one, I love writing Red Son so this was really fun :) We're also getting closer to having Monkey King back in the story, it feels like ages since I last wrote him. 

Let me know what you thought and see you guys next time!) 

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