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MK woke up with a yell on his lips and a hammering heartbeat that was so loud in his ears he couldn't hear anything else. 

He stayed there, sat up in his bed, sheets tangled around him as he tried to catch his breath. He couldn't really remember what he'd been dreaming about but a flash of blue told him he didn't want to. 


"Kid!" Two voices, equally loud and concerned made his ears twitch and he swung around to face the door just as two figures burst through the door, the first one violent enough to rip the object off its' hinges and send it crashing into MK's wall. 

"Hey!" He yelled out in annoyance before there were paws cupping his face, tilting his cheek, and looking him over carefully. 

"Are you okay? What happened? We heard you yelling? Are you hurt?" He asked rapid-fire, checking the rest of MK for any injuries. Behind them Macaque scanned the room, looking for any threats. 

"No, no I'm fine guys. Seriously it was- just a stupid dream." He said, hoping that would calm them but both his parents looked distraught at the news, Monkey King frowning and Macaque crossing his arms and looking away with an upset expression. 

"I'm sorry, bud." Monkey King said and MK was confused, tilting his head to the side. 

"Why?" He asked quietly but there was no response. 

"You- you can talk about it if you want." Monkey King said rather awkwardly, wanting to give him the space to be able to vent but not sure how never having done it before. 

"No thanks. I'm okay." Was MK's almost instant response.

"Okay well if you need anything Okay?" He sounded sad and MK nodded, giving a thumbs up. 

"I will." He promised, sure that he wouldn't and he could tell by the way Macaque looked at him that he didn't believe him.   

There was silence for a moment before Monkey King and Macaque reluctantly turned to leave and MK blurted out before he could stop himself. 

"Wait!" They both stopped moving instantly, looking back at him expectantly and MK looked away, rubbing his arms. 

"Sorry just- is it okay if I talk to Macaque for a minute? In private?" Monkey King looked uncomfortable, glancing back at Macaque and then MK, hesitating, and for a moment MK thought he was about to say no. 

In the end, he just sighed, nodding and swallowing. 

"Yeah. Yeah okay. No problem, bud." He gave MK a quick pat on the shoulder, ruffling the top of his head with a reassuring but fake smile before turning to leave. As he walked past Macaque who was at the door he gave him a hard, cool look that set the demon's nerves on edge. 

Then he was gone and MK was looking at him expectantly, face creased with worry. 

"What is it, kid?" His dad asked, not taking a step closer and MK felt himself tense up with anxiety, forcing the words out quickly. 

"I'm sorry." He looked away, fiddling with his hands. 

"I'm sorry about what I said that day, I-I didn't mean it. I just-" 

"Kid." MK looked up at the interruption, seeing how Macaque had moved closer and was now resting a hand gently on MK's knee. 

"It's okay. I deserved it really. After everything I've done... Well, I wouldn't blame you if you never forgave me." He blinked in surprise when MK suddenly rushed him into a hug, his kids' arms tightening around him as MK buried his face into Macaque's fur. 

"I forgive you." He whispered out, voice soft and Macaque had to fight to keep his jaw from hanging open, awkwardly placing his own arms around MK's frame and returning the embrace. His heart ached and as he looked down at his sweet, kind child he couldn't bring himself to hate he wondered how he'd ever even thought of hurting him.  

"You shouldn't." He mumbled out, knowing that it was wrong of him to take advantage of his kids' kindness like this. Especially since he was bound to mess up again.

"Maybe. But I think that's for me to decide." MK smirked back, leaning out of the hug so he could smile up at the other and Macaque laughed. 

"You really are something, kid." MK chuckled, snuggling back into his bed like a caterpillar wiggling into a cocoon.

"I think I can go back to sleep now. G'night dad." He smiled and Macaque's heart warmed softly in his chest, making him reach out a hand and smooth the fur on the top of his kid's head down.   

"Kay, you want me to stay?" He asked, fully prepared to chase away any bad dreams he might have and MK smiled brightly, happy. 

"No, thank you! Baba might get jealous if I let you stay and not him." He teased, giggling and Macaque huffed a laugh as well, nodding with mirth. 

"He totally would. He overthinks everything. A little like someone else I know." He gave MK a playful but pointed look and MK shoved him off his bed, rolling his eyes with a smile. 

"I don't overthink things!" He protested but Macaque just gave him a skeptical look, eyebrows raised and MK knew he didn't believe him. 

MK gasped dramatically, pretending to be offended, and betrayed by Macaque's lack of belief in his words and Macaque felt himself smile just a bit, a real, proper smile that only seemed to be present around MK. 

"Sure kiddo. But seriously you should get some rest now.  Wukong will kill me if you stay up and are tired tomorrow because of me." And he probably would, MK thought with a fond smile, pulling the covers up to his chin and closing his eyes. 

"Okay, okay! I'm going back to sleep now!" He promised, only managing to keep them both shut for a second before peaking one open. Macaque shook his head, taking a couple of steps to the door. 

"Night, kid." He called over his shoulder and was at the doorway when MK yelled his own goodnight back. 

He left and MK laid in his bed, light coming in through his doorway and annoying him. He sat up, looking at the door that was no longer attached to the hinges that no one had bothered fixing or apologizing for and MK sighed. 

"What about the door?!" He yelled from his place in bed hoping someone would hear him. They didn't and if they did then no one bothered to respond and MK rolled his eyes, shuffling onto his other side so that his back was facing the doorway. 

When he closed his eyes this time the light didn't bother him and with the open doorway he could easily hear voices talking downstairs, the comfort of having his family so close lulling him easily into a peaceful sleep.

(Hello! I love writing Macaque and MK interactions so I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it too. Let me know what you thought and I'll see you all next time.) 

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