Judge, Jury, Executioner

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The Bone Demon looked over the submissive Wukong, pride, and delight coiling in her chest gleefully. She loved seeing him like this, seeing him suffering. 

The only thing better would be to see him broken.

She wished she could touch him like this, wanting to force him down and put her foot against his face, and kick him down. In fact...

"Kneel." She smiled, blue eyes uncomfortable and creepy and Wukong could only be grateful that here she looked like herself and not MK. He didn't need to see more of her expressions on MK's sweet face.

"Kneel down and beg for your son's life." She commanded and Wukong had never hated anyone as much as he hated her, his eyes filled with scathing hatred.

His pride wouldn't let him move for a second, that burning anger overriding the fear just long enough for her to scowl.

"Unless you don't care for him after all? Perhaps I should see if I can bring him here, actually. I wonder what would happen if I simply stabbed his body and let him bleed out. You would only be able to watch as the life bled from his eyes, unable to even touch him as he took his last breath." 

His whole body went stiff with the thought, heart-stopping in his chest as the image she'd painted scorched itself into his mind and he had to remind himself frantically that she wouldn't kill MK now, not when she needed his body and power to use against him.

If she killed him, she should know that she wouldn't have enough power to stop Wukong from tearing her to pieces in his rage.

Still... he didn't want to push it.

Before he could move though, she let her eyes wander from him, interest swimming in his expression as she looked about. Wukong didn't know what she saw, though. 

"Oh, how very interesting. Who would have thought that you'd ever be welcomed into his home after what you did? I thought the Bull King hated you. Who else is here? It's unusual for you not to be alone, I thought people knew that being around you only brings them suffering and pain." She told him and Wukong felt panic running through his veins. 

He'd forgotten in the heat of the moment, in the surprise at seeing her that you could look at where the other was like this. 

She knew where he was but he could also look at where she was too. 

Blinking, he concentrated on looking in, finding himself staring at golden outlines of a cave. 

Why did it always have to be caves? He bemoaned silently, she was still in the same place he'd left her.

"We were waiting." She told him simply, noticing that he'd taken a look too. 

"MK wanted you to come back but he didn't think you would. How funny to see that he was right. He was right to feel alone and afraid and abandoned when you'd left him and gone off to hide." He shook his head, heart aching in his chest. 

He hoped what she was saying wasn't true, hoped MK knew that he was coming back for him and that she was only trying to rile Wukong up by saying this but she was probably telling the truth and it ached to think about his kid in so much pain. 

For a second, the longing in his chest to wrap his kid into a hug and reassure him was painful enough to make his eyes ache with pressure, sure that if he blinked water would fall. 

He quickly gritted his teeth and forced the feeling away, steadying himself. He wouldn't let her see him cry. 

When he looked back at her though, seeing the way her smile was one of utter glee, he knew that he'd been watching his emotions with laser focus and had seen the look in his eyes. 

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