Change in sequence

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The next day he was back to work, up bright and early and he managed to keep himself so busy that he didn't have time to think about, well, everything. It was nice to have so many distractions and by the time the deliveries started dwindling MK began taking time to help clean up in the shop. Anything to keep him occupied. 

"MK! Delivery!" His boss yelled and MK rushed to the kitchen, grabbing the bag off the counter with a grin before rushing out the door again, typing the address into his phone before speeding off. 

He didn't bother putting his headphones on, noticing that the location wasn't too far so it wasn't worth it. He hummed as he drove anyway, making it to a seemingly abandoned small warehouse and storage room. He checked the location again, scrunching his nose up before confirming that he was in the right place and shrugging. He grabbed the order and knocked on the door, three loud knocks. 

The door opened slightly, just a crack, and a high pitched voice called out, 

"Who is it?" From the inside. 

"Pigsy's noodles," MK responded back and there was a short conversation behind the door that sounded like squabbling. MK was too distracted to really listen in but he did hear the word 'name' and was about to ask if they were okay before the voice spoke out again, cutting his confusion short. 

"It says here you have to identify yourself, is your name Qi Xioation?" 

MK felt his blood run cold in surprise, eyes wide as the feeling of wrong, wrong, wrong curled in his stomach. 

"Yes, how did you know-" The door swung open and MK caught two grinning faces and a vase before his vision went dark and he knew no more.      

There was a noise, a sudden shift and MK was yelling loudly as he fell, hitting something hard as his heart pounded in his chest and he tried to gather his bearings or figure out where he was. 

He looked up from where he'd faceplanted the floor, seeing familiarity wherever he looked. This was his room, he realized wearily, unable to figure out why it felt like he'd woken up panicking or so disorientated.

His mind felt scrambled, too and the beeping of his alarm clock made him scramble to his feet with a yelp. 

"I'm late!" He found himself yelling, all thoughts of concern rushing from his head as he began scrambling around his room to put his clothes on before springing down the stairs and into the shop. 

"Sorry, Pigsy! I overslept." He rushed out, looking at the two who were in the room, Pigsy behind the counter and Tang slurping noodles from his usual seat.

"Which is weird 'cause I don't even remember going to bed." He mumbled out afterward, trying to figure out why the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end or why he felt so out of sorts. 

"Don't worry about it, kid. I don't mind." Pigsy replied and MK wondered why he'd been so lenient with him recently. Though this was a whole new level really. 

"Oh-kay? I'll just... get to delivering then." 

Before he could move the whole ground itself seemed to shake and MK stumbled and his breath left his lungs, trying to keep upright as he slammed forwards, stabilizing himself by putting out his hands. 

"What- what was that!?" He breathed out, eyes wide, and looked over at Pigsy and Tang who were watching him with calm but confused expressions like they didn't know what he was talking about. 

"What are you talking about, kid?" Pigsy asked and MK felt his forehead, feeling dizzy and sick as he tried to figure out why they hadn't noticed that obvious earthquake that had just shaken the whole place. 

"The- the earthquake!" He clarified and yet their expressions didn't change. 

"Earthquake? Are you sure you're feeling okay kid?" Pigsy looked worried about him and now suddenly MK was worried. Was he going mad? Was the stress finally getting to him? Did he hit his head this morning and suddenly start hallucinating things? Maybe it was a concussion. 

He felt his head again, it sure didn't feel like a concussion. 

"I keep telling you you work him too hard." Tang tutted sympathetically with a shake of his head and Pigsy nodded, agreeing. 

"That's it! You're taking the day off." MK stopped rubbing his forehead, eyes snapping up to face his boss and gawking at the smile on the usually grumpy mans' face. It wasn't the day off that was shocking, heck, he'd been given one of those the day before yesterday. It was the way that Pigsy was smiling, too bright and big that had him shocked. Pigsy never smiled like that!

Still, he shook it off because while usually, he would want a day off, recently all he wanted was a distraction from Macaque and Monkey King and her. Although he still did need to find Macaque. He was sure that the longer it took him to apologize the harder it would be. 

"Thanks, Pigsy but I'm fine. I'd rather work today."  He admitted and was concerned by the way the older frowned like MK was stupid. 

"That's not what you're supposed to- I mean- you deserve it, kid, and I won't hear more about it. You need to learn to relax more. Spend some time with Mei. No arguing." MK really didn't know what was happening today and so he just shrugged, not wanting to get into whatever was going on with Pigsy today. 

"Fine, okay. Thanks, Pigsy, I'll see you later!" He called as he left the shop, feeling more and more desperate for fresh air the longer he spent in there. It was strange, he usually felt so at home- safe in there but for some reason he was relieved to be away.

Maybe he was stressed. Maybe some time with Mei would do him some good. It felt like he hadn't seen her in forever.  

Though he really should try looking for Macaque again. 

Oh well, there'd be time later he convinced himself. 

He pulled out his phone, pulling up her contact and texting her if she wanted to hang out. The response was scarily immediate and MK was surprised at how instantaneous it felt, even for Mei. 

Still, he wasn't going to let anything ruin today and grinned as he started making his way towards the arcade where they would meet when he was turning around the corner and moving straight into Mei, stopping suddenly to avoid bowling her over. 

"Mei! You're here!" He yelled, surprised and Mei nodded, smile wide. 

"Yes! Now come on MK we're going to be late!" MK tilted his head, confused at Mei's excitement. Sure she was usually excitable but this was ridiculous. 

"Late for what?" 

Her tugging on his arm and yanking him off in a direction with a manic smile on her face was the only answer. 

(Hey, hey! Hope you're all having a good day. I've only seen a few clips from season three but I am dying it all looks so intense. I want someone to hurry up and sub them so I can watch them and actually understand what is happening. Let me know what you thought and I'll see you all next time!) 

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