Revealed Reality

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When he made it to the shop he stood outside for a while, staring up at the neon signs with blank eyes and willing his legs to move. There was no sound coming from the inside that he could hear with his four ears and he frowned, managing to take that step into the shop. 

It was empty of customers but Pigsy was there behind the counter, mixing food in a pot. 

MK stood there for a moment, not saying a word but after a short second Pigsy turned around like he'd known MK was there the whole time. 

"Kid, you're back. Ready for more deliveries?" He asked, smiling like nothing was wrong with his weird, too-wide smile and MK shook his head, noticing how Pigsy hadn't even batted an eye at MK's current, non-human form.

Just more evidence that this wasn't his Pigsy. 

"No. I'm going to bed." And even though he knew it wasn't his Pigsy he still paused in his footsteps, voice soft.

"Night Pigsy." He let himself believe for just this second that he really was home, listening to the cheerful, 

"Goodnight," back before shuffling up the stairs and into his room feeling empty and homesick. 

His room was his. His safe place, the place where he could be alone and secure, and the feeling of the soothing atmosphere was enough to bring tears to his eyes again, tears he quickly swallowed down and wiped away before crashing into his bed, huddling under the covers. 

Enveloped by darkness and warmth he soon fell asleep, mind blessedly blank. 

Suddenly he was falling, his whole room shaking and his heart thumping loudly in his ribcage and then he was yelling as the shaking got worse, unable to locate what was up and down. 

It was chaotic and confusing and MK hadn't even had the chance to open his eyes yet and the world fumbled and stumbled again, making his stomach twist in knots on his uncomfortable position on the ground. 

He managed to get to his hands and knees, tail lashing out behind him to try and untangle itself from the covers that had fallen with him when it happened again, a violent tremor making him tumble to the side with a yelp.

It kept going, longer than any of the others, and MK's ears pricked at the sound of cracking, his eyes widening as a cobweb of golden cracks filled the room, spreading across until everything was too bright to look at and finally there was one great big sound, everything seeming to break away within a second and becoming engulfed by light.

He felt sick with dizziness, disoriented as he was suddenly on his feet, quickly slumping to his knees as he tried to blink away the gold spots in his vision. 

"Wa?" He'd barely managed out any type of word or sound or whatever it was he was trying to make when soft, strong arms wrapped around him, a pressure that warmed him right down to his toes. 

"Bud! You're okay!" A familiar, comforting voice said right by his ear, the person in question clutching him tighter before pulling back to look MK in the face, hands clasped protectively on his shoulders as he seemed to look the younger over for injuries. 

"Dad? What's- what happened?" MK sound himself asking, sounding tired and dazed as he managed to look the other in the eye. 

Like a crashing tidal wave, MK snapped out of his confusion, brain seeming to come back online as he stared at the Monkey King's surprised face, the other having frozen as soon as he'd gotten a good look at MK. 

"You- MK you're- why do you- what-" The immortal stammered out, eyes practically bulging out of his head and MK thought for a moment that it was because he'd called the other dad before realizing that he was still in his monkey form. 

He pulled back, gripping his arms anxiously.

"I uh- I can explain." He started and was about to continue though he had no idea what he was going to say when Macaque stepped into view, slipping rather quickly out of the shadows. 

"Kid!" The demon rushed over, tugging MK into a bone-crushing hug that MK melted into despite his confusion. 

It took a long time for Macaque to pull away, casting a glance backward at the still as a statue Sun Wukong and smiling a small but genuine smile at the other.

"Thanks for finding him." He said, face twisting into confusion at the shocked expression on Wukong's face as his frame seemed to almost shake. 

Sun Wukong didn't respond, remained as still as a statue as he stared at MK and Macaque rolled his eyes. 

"Oh yeah, no problem Macaque, thanks for distracting the Bone Demon for me while I did." He mumbled out sarcastically, stopping afterward in confusion as Wukong remained completely silent still. 

Macaque noticed Wukong's gaze and quickly turned back to MK, the gears turning in his head as he caught sight of MK's four ears, fur, and tail. It was the marking on his face, the one that looked so much like Wukong's own that had the immortals eyes welling up with tears, a hand coming up to cover his silent gasp as MK's tail flicked behind him in worry. 

"It's... it's you. Qi Xiaotion. My baby boy." His voice trembled, legs shaking like they would collapse at any moment. From behind Macaque, MK nodded, hoping that Monkey King wouldn't be upset with him, the words of the Lady Bone Demon ringing in his ears. 

He was cursing himself for not shapeshifting back, for not being more careful. Now Monkey King was going to hate him and be glad he'd gotten rid of MK was he was young.

In a fraction of a second, he was rushing forward and MK squeaked as he squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for a hit or some sort of anger instinctively only to be swept into a tight hug, this one desperate and loud as the Monkey King ran his claws through MK's fur, letting out breathless sobs of joy as he clutched his child as close as he could, tucking MK's head underneath his chin.  

"I can't believe it." He breathed out, voice shaking with emotion MK had never heard so strongly from the supposedly infallible legend and MK felt the others' tail wrap around his wrist, hanging on tightly like MK would disappear if he let go. 

He gripped MK's chin softly, tilting his kid's head up and running his hands shakily over MK's cheeks, touch almost reverent. From this angle MK could see the tears filling his golden eyes, his eyes so incredibly filled with emotions MK couldn't really place. 

His expression seemed to turn more mournful and when he spoke again it was so raw that MK flinched.  

"Why didn't you tell me?"   

(I loved writing this chapter so much. At long last, after 41 chapters Sun Wukong finally knows! Now you can all stop anticipating the reveal that I've been taunting you with for so long. But seriously, hope you enjoyed and let me know what you thought! See you all soon!)

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