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MK was confused when they made it to the docks, Mei leading him on talking about something he wasn't listening to, too busy looking around at the strung-up lights and flowers settled everywhere. 

He didn't remember it looking like this before. In fact, he was sure it didn't. He didn't really like the change but didn't say anything, refusing to offend the other. 

"Sandy!" He smiled when he saw the guy then hid a frown at the tuxedo the other was wearing. It just seemed really weird and out of character. 

What in heaven's name was going on today?

"I... like what you've done with the boat." He said even though it wasn't true and Sandy grinned as Mei led him to a table, sitting down opposite him while MK did the same. 

"Isn't it great? I wanted to have a more interesting role and this was a perfect idea for cementing my theme!" He professed, setting a napkin on MK's lap and placing plates down in front of MK and Mei before he was whisking away and MK was turning back to Mei, eyebrows scrunched up. 

"What's gotten into everyone today?" He asked her, wanting someone to agree with him that this was definitely weird because it was, wasn't it? 

Instead, he got a look that was very wrong and weird on his best friend's face, her clothing having changed into a long dress and white shoes and MK was confused about how she'd changed so fast without him even noticing. He really needed to pay more attention to his surroundings. 

"MK." She said his name weirdly high-pitched and soft and it didn't sound like her at all and MK leaned away, feeling uncomfortable. 

"MK, there's- there's something I need to tell you." Her face (and was that makeup? Mei never wore makeup) scrunched up, eyelashes fluttering and suddenly the world was shifting violently again and MK yelped as he was thrown sideways, trying to regain his bearings and calm his thumping heart when he realized that they were somehow standing up and Mei was looking at him with wide, almost shining eyes. 

"MK I- I-" The boat tipped to the side slightly and she was tumbling forwards with a soft but weird cry, falling directly into his arms and MK flinched back, so confused he thought he was going to be sick. 

"I love you." She finished, looking up at him with glossy lips and thick eyelashes. 

It took MK a moment to actually register what she'd said but once he did he was pulling away sharply as though burned, face scrunching up in horror as he tried not to hyperventilate. 

His- his best friend was in love with him! He'd never felt so horrified in his life. They'd been friends for so, so long and he'd never seen her- like that! He was horrified that he'd have to break her heart because he did love her, just not like that

"I think I'm gonna throw up." He said instead of maybe being a little more sensitive with her feelings. He just couldn't shake that wrong feeling that had been following him around all day though! It felt like he was in a nightmare he couldn't wake up from. 

"W-wait!" Mei's voice sounded panicked but he couldn't bring himself to look at her, too busy trying to keep his head from spinning. 

"I mean-" The world stuttered again and MK struggled to regain his footing at the way everything shook so violently. He tried harder to not panic at it happening again, wondering fiercely why no one else seemed to be noticing them either.

"I love you... as a friend." She finished, voice completely different from the way it had been only seconds ago.

Mei was MK's best and first real friend and she'd brought him nothing but security and familiarity the whole time he'd known her. Today he felt like he was talking to a stranger and it was so uncomfortable and heartbreaking that he wanted to leave. 

Maybe she'd changed. Maybe she'd been with other people while he was busy spending time with the Monkey King and Macaque and they'd drifted apart without him even realizing. 

"Uh-huh. Yep. I'm just- just gonna go." He said, pointing away with his thumb as he slipped past and made to leave. 

"See you later." He called, to make sure she knew that he wasn't too weirded out by her confession that he really, really hoped was either a prank or her being very confused. 

"As friends?" She added, almost desperately after him and he gave a very uncomfortable chuckle, nodding. 

"Yep." He confirmed before walking away as fast as was sociably acceptable without looking like running. 

He just needed to get away from whatever was happening, never having been so uncomfortable and awkward in his life. Which was saying a lot because he'd had some seriously awkward moments in his life so far. 

Not wanting to spend time by himself, especially when his skin crawled and it felt like everyone's eyes were on him, he decided to head back to Pigsy's. He picked up the pace, feeling eyes boring into the back of his head. Oh god was he paranoid? Looking around at eyes that seemed to be staring straight at him he quickly forced his gaze back to the ground, sure he was either going insane or the whole city had gone nuts! 

He slammed the door shut to the noodle shop behind him, happy to be somewhere familiar and away from everything weird that had been happening only to see Pigsy smiling at him, a smile just a smidge too wide, another action that made the hairs on the back of his neck prickle. 

"Hey, kid! How's everything going? You're back early, I thought you were hanging out with Mei?" MK nodded, swallowing as he walked further into the room and sat down on one of the stools, unable to get comfortable. 

"Uh yeah, she- she had to go home early," MK mumbled then immediately winced at the lie, feeling like scum. He quickly continued in hopes of drowning out the feeling. 

"I uh, I actually wondered if maybe you could give me some advice?" He asked, preparing himself for rejection like an old kneejerk reaction. It always surprised him when Pigsy didn't brush him off or tell him to stop being so bothersome. 

"Sure, kid. What's going on?" He asked, voice unusually disinterested but MK didn't have time to ponder on it as he thought about what he wanted to say, twiddling his thumbs as time and the silence slowly ticked on. 

"I had an argument with Macaque!" He finally blurted out, sagging like a marionette with its' strings snapped afterward as the tension cut from his frame. It felt so relieving to get it off his chest that he immediately felt better after saying it. He'd been carrying around this weight for so long after all completely by himself that sharing it, just getting it off his chest was so elating it hurt. 

"... Who's Macaque?"

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