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Macaque led MK to the deck outside, sitting down lotus style and gesturing for MK to do the same. He scrambled and sat crosslegged opposite him, fighting to keep still as his tail swished about behind him. 

"What are we gonna be working on? Are we gonna be sparing? Learning a new power?" MK bounced in place, eyes wide with excitement, and Macaque grinned. 

"Dogging." MK tilted his head in confusion, face a frown. 

"Dodging? But that's boring! And anyway I can fight and block with my staff, I don't need to dodge!" 

"What if you don't have your staff? Or what if you're outmatched?" Macaque argued and MK shook his head, about to argue that he always came out on top only to pause when he remembered his encounters with her

Macaque sighed, looking carefully at MK. 

"I've taught you offensive fighting, I've taught you how to give each strike your all but maybe that's not how you need to do things. Maybe sometimes you need to get back, gain distance. Besides, outsmarting your enemy is just as important as brute strength." He advised and MK nodded, agreeing that maybe he should learn less intense ways of fighting people. That didn't work with her since he seemed to freeze up every time she came close.

"Alright. First things first, patience. When I strike at you I want to look at where I'm going to hit and I want you to move out of the way. Lots of this will be about footwork and waiting till the last second to move. Otherwise, I'll see where you're moving to and redirect my strike so it hits you." MK listened and nodded, standing up when Macaque did and instinctively standing into an offensive position, feeling weird that he wasn't holding a staff when Macaque began to strike at him with his fists. 

It was a good thing that Macaque wasn't using his weapon or strong hits because MK immediately got hit in the side, yelping as he tried to move out of the way. 

"Your stance is too strong, loosen up your muscles." Macaque instructed and MK took a moment to do so, waiting until Macaque struck out again and moving under the hit, feeling a goofy smile grow on his face at the success only for Macaque's tail to trip him up. 

He let out an 'oof' as he landed on his stomach on the floor and took a moment to pout at a way too amused Macaque. 

"Don't lose focus." The demon said with mirth in his voice and MK stood up, eyes hard with determination as they went again.

They continued practicing like that for hours, slowly developing from fists to Macaque using a weapon that, eventually MK ended up lithely dodging around, their fighting looking more like a dance. They hadn't meant to go for so long, MK sweating with exertion by the time Sandy came out and told them that it was dinner time and MK panted, smile bright on his face. 

"That was awesome! Did you see how fast I was? I was like a ninja! Super secret ninja MK on a mission to be stealthy and quick." He said in a mysterious voice, putting on a serious face before Macaque laughed and went to shove him to the side. 

"Okay cocky kid, let's go inside and get some food before your ego gets any bigger." He teased and MK huffed, scandalized as he dodged Macaque's shove, much to the olders' surprise. 

"Oh yeah! Who's the cocky one now?" He cheered and immediately afterward Macaque's tail caught his leg and sent him to the floor in a pile of limbs, Macaque leaning over with a smirk.

"Still you." MK huffed, rolling around onto his back before sitting up in one fluid motion and pouting as Macaque ruffled the top of his head. He didn't move away from the touch though, leaning in subtlety. 

"But you did a good job, kid." The demon praised before walking off the main deck towards the kitchen and MK's eyes grew wide, stars practically shining in them at the compliment as he rushed after his dad, warm and giddy at the compliment.  

MK was extremely animated at dinner and everyone noticed, Pigsy sending Macaque an approving and grateful nod over the table while MK talked loudly and quickly about their training, talking to Mei about dodging and the times he'd managed to dodge a bunch of strikes in a row.

He sounded happy. 

"Alright let's go again!" MK begged after he'd finished his food, tugging on Macaque's arm like a kid. 

"Actually, it'd probably be best if you took a break. We've been at it all day, I wouldn't want you to be exhausted tomorrow from overexerting yourself today." Macaque said, making MK give the other puppy eyes, a pleading tone on his tongue. 

"Oh please, just a little longer. I'm not even tired!" MK pleaded with another tug on Macaque's arm and the demon once again shook his head, wrapping his tail around MK's wrist gently to stop him tugging. 

"Sorry, bud but no means no, we can go again tomorrow though." His tone signaled finality and MK deflated, realizing he wasn't going to be getting anywhere with this discussion. He groaned. Part of the reason he really wanted to keep going was that he wanted to spend more time with his dad. It was fun and he didn't want that feeling to end so soon but another part was that he wanted to impress his dad with how determined and dedicated he was. He wanted to prove that he was worth something. 

"Okay, finnne! I'll wait till tomorrow." He conceded anyway and then moved away and Macaque let him, dropping his kids' arm as he walked over to Mei. 

"But since we've finished I'm gonna hang out with Mei for a bit." He said, having thought of an idea. Mei grinned, clapping her hands together. 

"Okay, bye, see you later." MK rushed out as he pulled Mei out of the room, watching her almost topple over at the sudden speed before finding her footing. He led her to his room and then in a relatively quiet voice explained his idea.

(More Macaque and MK bonding because I live for it. They have such a good relationship now and I'm so proud. I hope you all enjoyed, let me know what you thought, I really enjoy getting comments! :) and as always I'll see you soon!) 

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