Saying goodbye is always hard

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Macaque turned his head towards the doorway and a moment later MK heard footsteps, watching as Pigsy then walked through the doorway with a searching gaze. He stopped as soon as he saw MK, making eye contact with the younger and giving a small nod. 

"Is everything okay out here kid?" He asked and MK's heart warmed at the concern in his voice, giving him a soft smile and a large nod. 

"Yep! Everything's okay." He reassured, delighted that for once he actually meant those words, and Pigsy nodded after a second of studying MK's expression, obviously believing him too. 

"That's good. Just checking." He gave Monkey King a glance, eyes hard before shaking his head and taking a step back. 

"How are we on plans right now? We can stay here as long as we need to but it ain't exactly a permanent solution." His eyebrows were raised and he was still looking at Monkey King so MK waited for him to talk instead, assuming that's who Pigsy had directed the question to. 

It took a while before the immortal seemed to get the message though, waiting through a very awkward pause before he seemed to realize he was supposed to say something. 

"Oh, yeah you guys are gonna wait here and I'm gonna go do some super-secret investigating monkey King stuff. But I'll be in touch so no worries." He brushed off very casually and Pigsy gave the immortal a judging stare. Silently, MK sighed to himself, knowing that he'd have to explain in more detail later since Monkey King had explained everything... very badly. He was lucky that Pigsy didn't push for more details really, opting to sigh heavily instead. 

"Alright fine, are ya staying or heading off as well?" He asked, this time clearly directing his question at Macaque and the demon crossed his arms, voice flat. 

"I'm staying." He said simply and Pigsy looked at him for a long moment, nodding in what seemed like approval after a long time. 

"Right. Fine, I'll let the others know." He turned his attention back to MK, the stern, serious expression softening just a tad the way it only did for him. 

"I'm inside if you need anything, yeah?" He offered and MK smiled in appreciation, his tail swishing about behind him happily. 

"Thanks, Pigsy." He left after that, heading back inside and MK smiled to himself, feeling a warmth in his heart that made him want to clap his hands together or something similar. He suppressed the urge but was sure the other two could see his growing smile. 

"Right, well, I'll be off then." Monkey King abruptly got to his feet, springing up and MK felt panic jump through him though he didn't know why. 

"Wait! How will I contact you? What if something happens or we need you or you need us or-" He knew he was being annoying. He knew he was being clingy and that he should just keep his issues to himself but he couldn't help it. Sun Wukong cut off his rambling by placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"Hey, hey. Don't worry so much, yeah? It's gonna be okay. You've got this." It was that last part that had MK's heart calming down in his chest, taking a deep breath with his eyes closed before opening them again and giving his dad a more confident grin. 

"Yeah. Yeah okay. I can do this. Thanks." Monkey King nodded, looking like he was about to leave but pausing, eyes wandering like he was having an internal debate with himself. It took a second but eventually, he seemed to reach some sort of conclusion and swiftly tugged MK into a firm hug, arms tight around MK's shoulders. 

Suprised, MK stood still for a moment, his mind going blank until he realized he was being hugged and quickly hugged back just as fiercely, clutching on like he didn't want to let go. 

It felt too soon for MK but Monkey King pulled back fairly quickly, looking away and taking a moment to steady himself. 

"Okay. Now I'm going." He said to himself and MK wondered if it was because he trying to convince himself to go, wanting to stay just as much as MK wanted him to stay. That was probably just wishful thinking though. 

"You better come back. I'll kill you myself if you don't. Immortal or not." Macaque stated and Monkey King looked over at the other in surprise, his face morphing from shock to a smug grin that immediately had Macaque scoffing. 

"Don't think anything of it, and wipe that stupid look off your face! I just meant that I don't want to have to deal with the kid crying or something if you got yourself hurt." Monkey King nodded, the smug look on his face telling both of them that he didn't believe that one bit, and Macaque rolled his eyes, muttering something about stupid idiots under his breath while Wukong continued looking too pleased with himself. 

"I'll be fine. You are talking to the great, immortal, legendary Monkey King after all. Nothing can stop me!" He boasted and MK laughed, smiling brightly and feeling just a little bit better about him leaving. He was being silly worrying, after all, Monkey King was the coolest person ever! Heck, he'd bested all of heaven at one point! There was nothing that could hurt him. Everything would be fine. 

"See you soon, baba." MK let himself say, watching carefully as Sun Wukong softened at the name. 

"Stay safe, kid." He watched MK, his kid, fondly for a few seconds before turning to Macaque and pointing a finger at him. 

"You'd better keep him safe!" He said and Macaque rolled his eyes as though Monkey King was being dramatic. 

"He'll be fine! Now stop stalling and get out of here." Wukong immediately looked scandalized by the idea, spluttering about how he wasn't stalling and how dare he say he was and the deadpan look Macaque responded with made the immortal flush, realizing that he was, in fact, stalling. 

"Alright, fine, fine! I'm going! Sheesh." He went to leave, once again pausing for just a second as his eyes looked over both MK and Macaque before he was suddenly on his cloud, blasting away at top speeds without looking back.

MK watched the place he'd disappeared from in silence for a long moment, Macaque watching him do so without comment until the silence grew too oppressive and he sighed. 

"C'mon, kid. Let's go back inside." MK nodded and let himself be led back to the others, smiling when Macaque actually sat down on the chair next to him. 

He hadn't meant to but almost without his consent his tail had touched Macaque's tail, the contact causing the demon to jolt away and MK paused, his tail going completely still and stiff as he wondered if he was reaching a boundary. 

It took a while and MK was sure his heart was going to explode out his chest but eventually, Macaque slowly let his tail settle, wrapping it around MK's own tentatively without looking at the other. 

It made MK's heart wiggle happily he bit his lip to make sure he didn't smile too hard, shuffling just a little bit closer to his dad as his tail tightened its' hold affectionately.   

It was silly, Monkey King had only been gone for a few minutes and MK missed him already but somehow, with his dad so close, he almost felt like things would be okay. 

(More softness and bonding! Omgosh I love these sweet characters so much. I hope you enjoyed, I've got exams coming up so I've been pretty busy revising instead of writing the last few days so that's why there was a delay. Let me know your thoughts and I'll see you all next time!)

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