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They explained everything to the others once they got back to the boat and though Pigsy was furious at the Monkey's so-called 'laziness' and 'pushing responsibilities onto kids' they set sail for home, MK practically giddy with excitement the whole time. 

He watched the island sink from view as they left, a smile wide on his face. 

He couldn't wait for tomorrow.

When they got back, it was late enough that MK should really be going to bed, and yet here he was, sneaking out of his room through the window and making his way over to the dojo in his monkey form, having dropped the shapeshifting out of exhaustion. 

He needed to see Macaque. 

He hoped the other was there and when he was finally at the door, he paused, looking down at the staff in his hands that he'd taken with him and taking a deep breath. He really hoped it wasn't empty. 

He opened the door, quickly changing back into his human form, and looked into the doorway, calling out hesitantly. 

"Macaque?" There was no respon- 

"MK? Kid? Is that you?" His mentor walked into view, looking worried and relieved and MK didn't even hesitate before lunging forwards and wrapping the demon in a hug, feeling the others' fur against his cheek. It was more comforting than he'd ever admitted and MK squeezed harder. 

"Woah, Kid. What happened?" Macaque pulled MK away gently, watching as MK sniffled and wiped his eyes before tears could fall. 

"I thought you'd left!" MK confessed, leaving the 'left me' out but Macaque heard it anyway. 

"Never, kid. I had an errand to run and didn't know about the attack on the city. If I had, I would have come, I swear."

MK nodded and Macaque looked down at the staff in his arms, drawing back suddenly, eyes wide. 

"Is that?" 

"Monkey King's staff? Yeah! I don't know why but I can hold it! Isn't that awesome?" Pumped, MK held it out, showing it to Macaque who, for a second looked at it with a strange expression before masking it into one of casual interest. 

"Really? That's a story I've got to hear." He prompted, leaving space for MK to talk about what had happened. Which he did, going through the fight then the meeting with Monkey king until his voice trailed off and he took in a deep breath. 

"Something weird happened when I touched the staff." He confessed and Macaque nodded to show he was listening, waiting patiently for MK to continue. 

"I-" Not knowing how to say it, MK let himself shapeshift back, immediately feeling relief at no longer being in a form that wasn't his. His tail swung rapidly behind him, showing his nervousness in the way it flicked about.

"I don't even know how it happened, but for some reason, this is my normal form now. I've been shapeshifting back but I can't keep it up for really long periods of time." Macaque nodded, sounding serious. 

"And you shouldn't. Keeping a form up too long without a seal can be strenuous on your body." Macaque looked MK over, eyes drawn into the smaller monkey's face markings that reminded him ever so much of Wukong and sighing. 

"Have you told anyone else about this, kid?" MK shook his head. 

"No, just you but I was gonna tell Monkey King too, see if he could find a way to reverse it." 

Macaque's tail flicked out behind him in agitation and he forced it still, mind churning with thoughts. He didn't want Sun Wukong to know. That was for sure. Then he'd figure out who MK was and Macaque couldn't have that. Not yet anyway. He wasn't ready. 

"I can make a seal to put on you." He said eventually, watching MK's interest and confusion carefully. 

"It can change you back into a human but the only downside is that you won't be able to shapeshift anymore without breaking it." MK looked like he was considering. 

"Are you sure I shouldn't just ask Monkey King? He could probably-" 

"MK." Macaque put a hand on his shoulder and MK stopped, tail going still as well. 

"You trust me, right?" Which was a dirty trick because he knew the kid would only ever answer with one thing. 

"Of course I do!" Macaque nodded, giving MK a small smile before continuing. 

"Then I need you to trust me, yeah? This really is the only way." The only way to do it without Wukong seeing through it, at least.

MK seemed to think about it for a second and Macaque had no clue of the thoughts running through his head until finally, MK looked up. 

"Okay. Let's do it."  

(Sorry I took so long! I hurt my fingers so it's been really hard to type with one hand. That's also why it's shorter than usual.)

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