Plus One

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Silence fell quickly and MK smiled brightly, waving. 

"Red Son! You're back! Are your parents okay with it, are you ready to go?" MK bounced up and down, the words tumbling out as his tail swung about behind him and Red Son scoffed, looking away with disgust at the display of... pathetic emotions. 

"Yes. Let's get this over with. I don't want to spend longer with you filthy peasants than I must." MK didn't seem to even hear the insults, only nodding enthusiastically as the others in the room stood up, all equally eager to leave.   

"I'll be keeping my eye on you." Mei threatened as they left, her voice a dark sinister tone that Red Son didn't outwardly react to other than to snub up his nose uncaringly.  It didn't dis-way Mei from looking vaguely threatening as they left the mansion altogether and made their way to the truck that Red Son immediately cringed at. 

Before everyone could climb on board he shook his head. 

"There is no way I am getting into that cramped, subpar vehicle, of you can even call it that, with all of you." He said, sounding resolute and Mei popped up from beside him, angled so that she was staring him in the face as he lept back at her sudden and close presence.

"How will you know where to go then, genius?" She asked and the demon rolled his eyes. 

"I'll take my own vehicle of course! I have plenty of trucks and such that I can use to follow you with." He said it like it was obvious and Mei shook her head, looking at him like he was an idiot. It was something he didn't take kindly to. 

"Nu-uh, we're trying to be inconspicuous here! Your stuff is pretty attention-seeking. Just suck it up and get in." When Red Son shook his head, crossing his arms and denying her she huffed, her teeth bearing into a snarl. 

"Just get in!" 

"Absolutely not! You can't expect me to get in such a cramped, disgusting-" 

Mei cut him off by picking him up with one arm like he was a bag, uncaring of his struggling as she tried to shove him inside the truck as Red Son loudly yelled at her. 

It took a while and everyone else simply watched the squabble in silence, but eventually, Mei managed to get him inside, the demon crossing his arms and looking incredibly unhappy as he avoided looking at anyone while everyone else also got in. 

He glared at Mei as she sat down but ultimately accepted that she had won this round. That didn't mean that he would let her get the best of him the next time though. 

Red Son loudly complained the whole way to the boat and when they finally made it, after what felt like an eternity, everyone was quick to clamber out hurridly, breathing collective sighs of relief at no longer being in a confined space with someone who was so... vocal. 

"This is what you're using as a base?" The demon asked, that same distaste in his tone that MK ignored steadily. 

"Yep!" Mei, not so much. 

"Why? Got a problem with it?" She huffed, a threat thinly veiled in his voice, and wisely, Red Son didn't reply. 

"I'll show you around!" MK cheered, instinctively about to grab the others' hand to pull him on only for the demon to flinch away from his movement ever so slightly. It was minute and no one else noticed but MK did, his mind taking him back to the look on Red Son's face when they fought, the way he'd tried to... kill him. 

"Um, if- if you want me to, of course. I'm sure one of the others, Sandy or something can give you a tour..." He added, voice unsure as he backtracked. He didn't want Red Son to feel like MK was pressuring him. Nor did he want to make the other uncomfortable.    

The demon looked surprised for a second then just as quickly he was rolling his eyes, sneering. 

"Not like it matters to me which of you peasants show me around so go ahead, monkey boy." He said and MK wondered why he seemed different than when they had been together earlier. Somehow, this felt less real. 

"Okay. Let's go." MK was surprised that Red Son was okay with being around him then took a quick glance at the other while he wasn't looking, staring at him like he was a puzzle. Maybe he wasn't comfortable and was just good at hiding it? 

It felt easier to relax once they were out of sight of the others, MK leading the other through the boat as he pointed out the different rooms and Red Son made some comment about them that was usually negative. 

"And this is my room!" MK stood proud in front of his door, having shown the rest of the boat by now. They'd passed the other rooms but MK hadn't shown him the inside of any of them, not wanting to invade privacy. He already knew both Mei and his Pigsy would be against it... and even looking at Macaque's room made his heart ache with worry and longing. 

Still, this was his room and he had no qualms flinging the door wide open immediately and stepping inside. 

"I don't have all of my things up and I've got a few more drawings I want to put up on the wall but this is my room. I spend a lot of time in Mei's though." He rambled on, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked about his fairly disorganized room. He noticed a shirt on the floor and quickly kicked it under the bed while Red Son wasn't looking.

"It's... not too bad." Red Son admitted which surprised MK. 

"For a peasants room of course. I would never be seen living in such a hovel."  He added and that was more what MK had been expecting. It didn't sound as scathing as it could have though so MK didn't retaliate. 

"Actually." Tang's voice appeared out of nowhere and both MK and Red Son immediately turned around at the sound. 

"You will be living in a so-called 'hovel' until we get where we need to go. We don't have any spare rooms so you'll have to share with MK." He explained, his tone matter of fact, and Red Son's hair burst into flames, anger radiating off him. 

"WHAT!" He all but screeched and MK winced while Tang's expression remained deadpan.

"There is absolutely no way I'm sharing a room with this- this miscreant! I refuse!"  He stomped his foot down and Tang looked bored. 

"Well its' either MK or you can share a room with Mei..." He started and Red Son's hair tamed down, a look crossing his face as he thought about the easy choice between two evils. 

"Fine. Fine! But We're splitting the room in half and so help me if you cross it-" MK nodded along as Red Son ranted about rules and such, Tang leaving as MK started moving around the things in his room and tying up. It wasn't that hard. He didn't have that much, and the sound of Red Son's voice, despite how annoyed it was, became background noise, something that drowned out the silence that had previously encompassed MK's room and let his thoughts grow loud and overwhelm him. 

It was a lot, suddenly having another person he didn't know too well in his space, but he also found he didn't mind all that much. At least Red Son was honest. At least MK knew what the other thought because there weren't any false pretenses with him.

That in itself was a nice break from the complicity of his other relationships and he found himself relaxing as Red Son bossed instructions at him. 

(Hey, hey! I hope you enjoyed this one. I'm late again, I know, but it's the weekend and I've got a pretty relaxed schedual tomorrow so I'm going to update again then so you won't have to wait long.

So see you guys soon!)  

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