Game Over

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Together, Wukong and Macaque were doing a great job. They worked well together, swinging in tandem, the constant motion making the battle seamless as they got into a comfortable rhythm. It was almost cathartic (if their son hadn't been the stakes) and maybe Macaque had started to get too confident, too relaxed, too sure of himself because eventually, he made a mistake. 

He wasn't even really sure how it had happened, one second he was jumping away from the Bone Demon's arms, and the next he was yelping, pinned to the floor all of a sudden with pain striking down his left leg. 

He hissed, dazed and in pain as he looked down, finding his leg pinned to the ground with a spike through it, deep enough and central enough that he wouldn't risk pulling it out so thoughtlessly or instantly. 

Already, his head felt dizzy with the pain and blood loss, making his head hit back against the floor as he closed his eyes for a second, trying to gather his bearings and push through the sudden and unexpected pain.  

"Macaque!" He heard his name called and opened his eyes again, watching as Wukong rushed over to him. Behind the worrying figure kidding to his knees at his side, he could see another figure making its way toward what could only be Red Son and he shoved at Wukong when he tried to touch his wound.

"The kid." He gasped out, worry flooding his body as he cursed himself for being careless enough to be a liability like this. When Wukong didn't instantly move he added, 

"I'll be fine just go protect those two, okay?" It wasn't spoken like a suggestion and instead like a demand, and Wukong looked behind him like he'd forgotten anyone else was there, eyes widening at the sight of the Bone Demon reaching towards Red Son who was cussing and yelling at her, fire bursting from his hands and hair as he fought to protect the gourd he was carrying. 

At seeing this, Wukong jerked to his feet, leaving one last glance at Macaque. 

"I'll be right back." He promised before he was gone and Macaque could only hope that he'd stop her in time. 

Wukong wasn't sure why seeing Macaque impaled like that, stuck to the ground and bleeding had bothered him so much but it had. For a moment it was all he could see, his heart racing in his chest until he was reminded of what was at stake and he was off, easily crossing the distance to Red Son and the Bone demon, getting in between them both with a snarl. 

She didn't pause, ice shooting up behind Red Son and stopping him from leaving. She pushed past Wukong, ducking under his grab to reach for Red Son, whose fire didn't do much to deter her. 

Panicking as soon as she got in close, Red Son did the only thing he could think of and threw the gourd past her and at Wukong, inwardly praying that the idiot would catch it.

Luckily for the both of them, he did, holding it far out as the Bone demon tried to grab it. She went for it again and he tossed it behind him to avoid her, catching it with his tail. She growled and shot ice at the gourd from both sides, leaving Wukong the only option of tossing it in the air to avoid it getting broken.    

They both grabbed for it then, dodging each other as they tried to grab and sabotage the other until it got very close to the ground and Wukong had to dive for it, catching it with the edge of his finger with a big sigh of relief.  

Unfortunately, his position left him vulnerable and he was quick to roll over to avoid being stabbed near his face, staring up at her glowing, cold eyes. That she was above him made him nervous, feeling uncovered and at a disadvantage considering he only had use of his tail and legs, both hands wrapped around the gourd he was holding above his head. 

She went to grab it and he panicked, tossing it in the direction he knew Red Son was in and hoping he would catch it as he grabbed her by her leg with his tail, tugging her back when she tried to go after it. 

As soon as she'd been brought down he quickly made it to his feet, dodging away from spikes coming at him before sprinting towards Red Son at the same time she did. 

The three fought around each other, playing the most high-stakes game of keep away as Red Son and Wukong switched the gourd between each other whenever she got too close to one of them, using dangerous throwing and anxiety-provoking throws and catches to be able to gain distance. 

It felt a little bit like stalling for time as they fell into a rhythm and eventually Wukong took a moment to look over at Macaque, making sure he was still okay while the gourd was balanced on the end of his tail. 

Macaque was in the same place Wukong had left him, the spike now removed from his leg and his clothes ripped, having used the fabric to start making a makeshift bandage to put pressure on the wound. 

Sensing eyes on him, Macaque snapped his head up, making eye contact with Wukong before looking past him and gasping.  

That alone was enough to make Wukong swing around, instincts making him move away sharply from what would have been an ice spike to the jugular. 

It was a shame then that the moment's distraction had cost him that shock because the movement was unsteady enough to knock the gourd off his tail and he only had time to turn to catch sight of it before it hit the ground, dread flooding his veins. 

Only it didn't.

Instead, hands caught it right before it could hit the rock, relief making him sag for just a second before recognizing exactly whose hands those were, and they certainly weren't Red Son's. Ice flooded his veins and he looked up, making eye contact with his grinning enemy, her eyes sharp with delight as she held the gourd in her hands tightly, proving to him that she had all the control.

Time seemed to freeze as she looked at him, frost forming on the sides of the gourd in her palms as her grin grew wider, more scathing. 


"oops," and she shattered it in her hands.

(Who's sleep? Never heard of her. I'm too busy doing so much homework I might die. But my break from reading is this and writing is always more fun than reading... Spellchecking is less fun though so if there are any mistakes blame my ability to read something without actually reading it. 

I hope you guys enjoyed anyway, I'm gonna go get some coffee and I'll see you all next time!)   

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