Deal With The Devil

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The cave seemed different now that MK was walking around alone. The place felt bigger in some way and MK was darting his vision around, looking at eery corners like monsters were going to jump out at any moment.

It didn't help that because he was having to use his golden vision everything was tinted in a slightly seethrough, golden hue that brought the dust in the air to life and made the ambiance even more unsettling. 

He could clearly see cobwebs in the corners with his better vision and it made his whole body shiver, tail still clutched close to him. 

"Okay MK, don't worry. It's just a creepy cave with ancient, probably cursed ruins around where there are probably plenty of spiders and a terrifying demon that could very well be anywhere. Nothing to worry about. You got this." He rambled out to himself with a high-pitched tone. He hadn't done the best job of psyching himself up and somehow made his worry worse with the reminder of who was here.

There was a silence that filled the cave, a silence that made MK's own breaths feel one hundred times louder, and then-

"-Son of Wukong." The voice, that familiar, cold voice made every hair on MK's body stand on end, his eyes widening as his heart skipped a beat in his chest, breath caught in his thought. 

He turned around, eyes immediately catching the sight of the demon that had haunted his nightmares, spirits swirling around where she stood in his golden vision that let him see her in a way he hadn't before. Like this, somehow she was even more terrifying.

"Y-you!" He stammered out, his feet taking a step back without him even telling them to. His legs trembled, feeling like they'd either collapse to the floor or start running at any second. 

He pulled out all the confidence he could, letting go of his tail and pulling out his staff, pointing it at her threateningly. At least, that's what he hoped it came across as. He left more defensive than anything, like a child grabbing the nearest object in an effort to defend themselves when they heard a noise in their house alone at night. 

"Where are Macaque and Monkey King?" He demanded, hardening his eyes and fixing his stance so he was more sturdy. He couldn't afford to show weakness. 

She didn't look into his eyes, didn't stare at his face, peering deep into his soul as she had in their previous encounter. Instead, she looked directly at his staff, her interest made obviously clear in a way that only served to make MK even more uncomfortable, fighting between pulling it back and holding it tight and keeping it pointed towards her to look confident. 

"This way." She simply said, her tone less threatening, and yet it unsettled MK even more. She took a step forwards and his heart thumped painfully hard in his chest, rapidly beating in quick succession that was so fast it hurt. 

But she didn't even look at him as she walked, going past him with a wide birth like she was giving him space like she was uninterested. MK himself frozen to the spot as she passed and had she been trying to attack she would have been able to kill him before he could even move with how stiff and locked into place his muscles suddenly felt.

 Once she had passed him she continued walking, not looking back and MK waited a long time, watching as she grew further and further away from him and the rubble behind him and deeper into the cave. 

Internally every step she took made MK's heart beat faster and faster, his mind at war with himself. 

He didn't want to follow but at the same time, he felt like he had to. He was probably being led into a trap but... well there wasn't anywhere else to go. He couldn't wait here forever. Besides, he needed to find his dads. 

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