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MK didn't respond at first, still feeling frozen to the spot as his mouth soundlessly opened and shut. Sun Wukong seemed transfixed on him though, hands clutching a little tighter as he stared into MK's eyes, the intensity leaving the younger squirming uncomfortably.

"How long have you known?" He asked and MK could hear the pain in his voice, making his heart ache. 

"I- I um- Since you told me the name," he confessed, the words quiet, and the immortal seemed to mull them over for a moment, thoughts churning before his eyes widened and his gaze snapped away from MK in an instant, staring fiercely at Macaque who had taken several steps back quietly like he was trying to escape. 

"You." He hissed, letting go of MK to stand in front of him protectively. 

"You knew." He spat out and Macaque pursed his lips nervously at the accusation, confirming what Monkey King had just figured out. 

"You son of a bitc-" He lunged forwards at the other, teeth bared into a snarl and MK jumped forwards before he could move anywhere, wrapping his arms around the other's waist and holding on desperately. 

"Stop!" He cried out, face buried into the others' fur as he clung on with all he had, his own tail moving to wrap around Sun Wukong's lashing tail until it stopped thrashing about. 

"Please just- please stop fighting." MK sounded on the edge of tears and the desperation in his voice made Monkey King stop, his form slumping as he allowed MK to hold him, staring into Macaque's worried but resigned face. 

There was silence for a moment, the only sound being MK's shaky breathing that felt too loud in the quiet air. 

"Were you ever going to tell me?" Wukong asked as he turned to face MK, voice a little harsher than the tenderness from earlier and MK took a step back, eyes wide and guilty. He nodded timidly, not raising his head as though not looking at Monkey King would erase some of the guilt. It didn't.

"I was!" He defended, twisting his hands together nervously. 

"I just... thought that maybe you'd- you'd be...disappointed." He looked up, eyes vulnerable and shy. 

"That it was me." Wukong's face fell, all the anger fading instantly as he pulled a hand up to cup the others' cheek. 

"Oh, Qi Xiati- MK. MK I could never, never be disappointed in you. Never. I'm so, so glad that my son grew up to be such a kind person." MK felt his heart pounding in his chest, his eyes welling up with tears at words he'd wished to hear since he was a child. Words he never thought he'd hear. It was almost too good to be true.

"I'm so proud of you, son." 

Monkey King's hand was on his shoulder, warm and comforting and MK had a sudden thought that made his blood run cold. 

This really did feel too good to be true and for a horrifying moment, MK wondered if maybe it was. 

What if this was just another illusion, a sick game the Bone Demon had made to hurt MK? His heart thumped wildly and he moved away from Monkey Kings' touch, eyes switching from looking at Monkey King and Macaque. 

Both looked concerned for him. 

"No. No, wait. None of this is real." He backed away, wrapping his arms around himself like that would protect him while he squeezed his arms shut. 


 "Shut up! This- this can't be real- this is just another illusion, isn't it?" He said, terrified and despaired. 

"What?" He heard the supposed Monkey King say and there were footsteps towards him. 

"Oh MK, this is real. I promise. I'm here." Wukong pulled him into a hug, one that he remained unmoving for. It was warm and nice and it was everything MK had ever wanted. So why couldn't it have been real?

He wanted it to be real. 

"Kid. This is real. You were in the calabash and I don't know what you saw but I promise this is real." MK wasn't sure he believed the careful words but he allowed himself to be buried in the embrace, soaking up the comfort and allowing himself to pretend that it was real- just for a moment.  

"And we should go, the Lady Bone Demon could be back at any moment," Macaque spoke up from his place hovering by the doorway, looking out into the night sky cautiously. Sun Wukong sighed, giving MK a reassuring smile before pulling away from the boy and standing up. 

"C'mon MK, let's get you out of here." 

He held out a hand and MK grabbed it using it to stand up. His legs felt wobbly and for some reason, he was really tired. 

"Kay, let's go." He let himself be pulled out of the building, giving a glance behind him and recognizing it as the place he'd been to when delivering those noodles. Before everything had gone black and he'd woken up with the place shaking. 

"Where... You mentioned something about a calabash?" He asked and Monkey King nodded.

"Yeah, It's one of the five sacred treasures. Two demons owned it and decided to help the Bone Demon with capturing you 'cause of some grudge against me for something about a family feud or revenge or death or something. Whatever I don't know I wasn't listening, they were very annoying." He explained, talking quickly through the last part and brushing over everything and MK nodded, soaking in the information as he let Monkey King tug him onto his cloud. 

"Meet you there, peaches." Macaque quipped before slipping away into the shadows and Monkey King sighed, turning back to MK who was looking around at the city with wide eyes, fire, and ashes smoking up from areas that were destroyed and broken. Everything was a wreck. 

"What happened?" 

"Well, the Bone Demon attacked and I knew something was wrong when you didn't show up to fight her. Your friends were there but they weren't making much of a difference and they didn't know where you were either. Anyway, we fought, blah, blah, stuff happened and we retreated. Macaque... came and offered his assistance so he distracted her disguised as me while I went to look for you and here we are." 

Monkey King explained and MK nodded, taking in the information. 

"So... she's still here?" He looked around him, worry lining his face and Wukong slung an arm around his shoulder, oddly protective as he tugged him close. 

"Yeah but don't worry kid, I'll keep you safe." Then, sounding more serious than MK had ever heard him before he added,

"I promise." MK had the feeling there was more to it than that but didn't press. Instead pushing himself closer to the immortal allowing himself to close his eyes. 

"We have to stop her." He mumbled out, yawning afterward as he leaned against Sun Wukong's soft fur. The other only clutched him closer, eying the smoking city as they passed by on his cloud. 

"We will bud, we will." 

(So yes, MK was absolutely in the calabash here. Monkie Kid isn't entirely accurate to Journey to the West in which Monkey King actually kills the Silver demon and their mother so I basically head cannoned our Jin and Yin as descendants of the Gold demon who were then named after them to make that part of Journey to the west cannon here.     

Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you thought and I'll see you all next time.)

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