Unconditional Love

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MK stayed in his room till dinner time, staying on his bed feeling absolutely miserable and pathetic as he tried to control his breathing and not panic. The nervousness he felt in his stomach as he thought about having to see and talk to his dad again during dinner made him feel ill and he honestly wished he could skip it. Claim he was sick or something and just not go. 

Then again, if he did that Pigsy would no doubt come barging into his room, checking his temperature, making him noodles, and telling him to rest and drink water. MK knew this because it had happened before when MK had gotten sick and Pigsy had been a mother hen the whole day. 

Thinking about it always made MK warm and happy inside but today he just wanted to be alone.

There was a knock at his door. It was Mei. 

"MK? You coming out to dinner? Pigsy told me to get you and he isn't exactly known for his patience." She joked, keeping her tone light in hopes that some normality would make MK feel better. 

He still didn't feel like coming out of his room but he didn't want to push his issues onto Mei anymore than he already had today, she didn't deserve that. So instead he pushed a smile onto his face and got off his bed, opening the door and hoping she wouldn't notice how red his eyes must have looked. 

"Yep! I'm ready, let's get going." He said with false bravado and skipped off towards the kitchen before she could ask him if he was okay, pausing for just a second when he got the doors before pushing them open. 

"Hi, Tang! Hi, Sandy!" He greeted the two who were already at the table, both relieved and nervous that Macaque wasn't already here as he sat down, Mei taking the seat next to him so he was sandwiched in between her and Tang.  

 Pigsy walked in, holding bowls, and MK was surprised to see Macaque behind him, also carrying bowls of noodles that he placed on the table, giving Pigsy a grateful look MK had no context for before he sat down as well.

 MK left the talking to everyone else, chewing slowly on his food and avoiding eye contact skillfully by staring straight into his bowl the whole time and not looking up.

He knew Macaque was looking at him every now and then, could feel the eyes on his bowed head as he ate, pretending he didn't even though his muscles felt stiff and tense. 

Once he was done and there was nothing left to distract himself with he finally looked up, staring straight at Pigsy with a smile. 

"Thanks for the food, Pigsy. It was as good as it always is." He complimented, about to get up and leave. 

"Thanks, but Macaque actually helped out today. Didn't know he was any good in the kitchen but I guess you learn something new every day." MK nodded awkwardly, the uncomfortable feeling building tenfold as he tried not to let it show on his face or in his body language, he swallowed, sure when he spoke he sounded incredibly awkward. 

"Oh. Yeah, I didn't know that either. Anyway, I'll be off, I should really... tidy my room." He excused himself, lying very unconvincingly and as he stood up, ready to practically flee, Macaque stopped him. 

"Okay, MK, I think we need to talk." MK felt himself wince harshly, turning back and making his feet stop moving even though he wanted to leave. 

"We do? Okay. That's fine." It wasn't fine. He tried to sound casual about it, forcing his tail not to lash about anxiously as Macaque stood up and walked away from the table, giving MK a follow-me gesture as he walked past.  

MK did, feeling like he was walking to his own funeral as he left the room, staring at his dad's back as they walked to the room Macaque was staying in and had claimed as his. It didn't have much in it, just a bed really and MK really shouldn't have been so surprised. Then again, Monkey King had so much clutter in his own home that MK had almost expected the same of Macaque. Maybe it made sense that they were opposites though? 

Macaque sat down on the bed, tilted so that he was perched more sideways so he could look at MK once he'd sat down as well and patting the empty space next to him to prompt MK to sit down. 

He did, trying hard not to fiddle with his hands as he sat, eyes avoiding meeting Macaque's own. 

There was silence for a second as both tried to figure out exactly what to say and MK eventually felt the silence oppress him so much that he blurted out, 

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have gone off the boat. I should have listened to you. Please don't hate me, don't leave! I swear I won't do it again, I'll do better!" Once he'd started the words had just poured out, words that felt familiar on his tongue, words he swore he'd said a million times to a million people.   

He knew he sounded pathetic, desperate, but he couldn't help himself. He was ready to beg if he thought that would prevent Macaque from leaving him. He just... he was so tired of being unwanted. Forgotten. Left behind. 

"Kid..." Macaque sounded sad, his voice unusually quiet and MK looked up at the tone, realizing that tears had welled up in his eyes and quickly wiping them away.   

"I'm the one that should say sorry. I- I shouldn't have gotten angry with you like that. I shouldn't have said what I did." He paused, struggling to say the next bit, and MK watched him with wide eyes, surprised. 

"I was just worried." MK's breath caught in his throat, chest tight. 

"You were worried?" He asked curiously, doubting what he'd just heard and Macaque nodded, looking uncomfortable. 

"Yeah. I heard you and Mei leave and I was so, so worried about you. You were back before I could leave and get you myself but even in that small amount of time, I was more scared than I'd ever felt before." MK couldn't believe his ears, all four of them twitching as he tried to process what was being said to him. 

He couldn't believe it. 

"Really?" He asked, voice small and vulnerable and he knew these were words he'd wanted to hear ever since he was a child, words that brought tears to his eyes for other reasons than sadness. 

Macaque nodded, giving him a small but reassuring smile. 

"Really. I swear I won't leave, kid. Not now, not ever, and I'm sorry I made you feel like you need to be perfect for me to stay. You don't. I love you just the way you are. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it." 

At that, big, fat tears ran down MK's face, small sobs wracking through his small frame at the relief that flooded his whole being. God's how long he'd wished to hear those words. 

How long it'd been since he'd given up hope of hearing them, thinking it was nothing more than childish wants and unrealistic expectations. 

Macaque opened his arms, giving his kid a reassuring, caring smile and MK lunged into his grip without hesitation, wrapping his arms around his dad as he hugged him tightly, as though he'd disappear if he let go.

"Love you too." He mumbled into his dad's shoulder, feeling very, very small as he let his dad hold him, warmth surrounding him as his tears tapered off and left him with a shaky but genuine and big, smile.    

(Nothing but adorable comfort from my bois this chapter and I live for it. Now if only Wukong were still around to get in on some of this parental bonding. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next time!) 

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