When a plan goes awry

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Only, when Mk brought his staff down, energy sparking off of it like a lightning rod, DBK's head turned, eyes unsettling.

MK had expected his hit to make contact, hurt DBK enough for him to lose and that would be it. Even then he'd expected it to at least cause a great injury.

Instead, the Demon Bull King stepped to the side, like he'd been anticipating MK's surprise attack and suddenly he was being hit from behind, the force slamming him down into the concrete nearby, leaving a crater behind in its' wake.

MK groaned, shaking his head to get rid of some of the ringing that had settled into his ears before DBK's hand shot out, trapping him against the concrete as the demon moved in close.

"Little monkey." He spoke and MK looked up into his blue eyes, feeling chills run down his spine at the something in his voice that was off.

Then, DBK laughed, a creepy, unsettling thing that wasn't his laugh at all, eyes still shinning that brilliant bright blue.

With his hands pinned down to his side, there wasn't much MK could do.

"Who are you?" He asked instead, fighting to keep his voice steady because whatever this was wasn't DBK. That was clear.

"Who am I?" The thing parroted back, grinning just a little wider.

"Why, I'm your destiny young one. Wukong was foolish to think he could have ever kept you hidden. Not from me." Confused and agitated at the name that had spilled from the things' mouth MK struggled against the thing, fighting to get his hands free.

"Oh, don't worry." It said, tilting its' head to the side as it watched MK squirm.

"It won't hurt. I'm sure your body will be far more useful than this one after all." It grinned again, a touch too wide and MK's breathing stuttered, fear bubbling inside him at the implications, frozen by fear.

It let go of him then and immediately MK was slumping to his knees, breathing heavily as he tried to get his bearings. It didn't take long and he stood up, taking in a deep breath to steady himself before swinging the staff around in his hands.

He wasn't going to run. He was going to defeat this thing.

He moved to strike, putting a foot forwards when something sharp made him stop, head aching as a yell slipped out from his mouth, his vision filled with sketchy blue lines and a glowing smile.

It hurt. It burned and he put both his hands to his head, eyes wide as the thing came closer again, reaching towards him. It wasn't DBK's body this time, that one was slumped behind it, unconscious like a puppet with its' strings cut. This being was smaller, a female outline that's smile bore holes into MK's eyes and made his whole being shake with terror.

"No!" He pulled back, stumbling around clumsily as his breathing raged out of control, legs not doing what he wanted them to.

"Oh, oh, Qi Xiation, don't struggle. It was always going to end like this eventually." She reached forwards again and a whine escaped MK's throat though he couldn't bring himself to move, only watching as blue grew closer and closer, a hand reaching towards him.

"Kid!" Something grabbed him, barrelling in from the side at an impressive speed though MK barely reacted, wind whipping past his hair and yet MK kept his eyes squeezed shut, his heartbeat loud and thundering in his chest.

He didn't move, didn't stop squeezing his eyes shut and trying to calm his racing heart, not even as the arm wrapped around him grew tighter and adjusted its' grip, not even as they finally stopped moving, landing somewhere though the arm around him stayed.

There was silence for a second as MK's heart finally stopped feeling like it was going to burst from his chest and eventually he heard a voice.

"Are... are you okay, kid?" It sounded worried, sounded familiar and MK finally opened his eyes, blinking away blue to find a golden figure.

"M-monkey King?" He whispered out, voice cracking in the middle and Wukong winced, voice soft.

"Yeah, bud, its' me." And even though MK was supposed to be mad at the immortal, was supposed to hate him and never want to see him again he still found himself flinging forwards, clutching the other with an iron grip as he began to sob loudly.

"Woah, Kid!" Awkward, Wukong put his arms around the distressed child, eventually running his claws through the kids' hair in a soothing motion.

At that moment, MK didn't care that Monkey King had betrayed him, had almost killed his dad, he was just relived to be away from that terrifying person and didn't care about anything else, the image of the lady seared into his brain. 

It took a long time for MK to gain the courage to pull away, wiping at his eyes though his whole frame shook like a leaf.

Finally calmed down, he took a second to look at his surroundings, the familiar environment of Monkey King's house surrounding him. He hadn't even noticed that they'd gone there.

"Who-" His voice was more of a whimper and he sniffled again, wiping his nose and trying once more after taking a deep and steadying breath in.

"Who was that?" Part of him didn't even want to know. Monkey King looked down, face grim.

"That was the Lady demon Bone spirit." He said and MK shivered again at the name, blinking his eyes on instinct to see anything but blue.

"She's an ancient, powerful demon but she should be locked up! I don't know how she escaped."

"How'd- how'd you know I was there?" MK asked, feeling small and tired and exhausted and Monkey King sighed, suddenly seeming older. Which was silly because he was an immortal. He was already so, so much older than MK would ever be. 

"I- I was looking for you, kid. I wanted to- wanted to explain- to talk- I wanted to- well, I needed to see you. But I saw the fire and I saw you and her and I had to help. What happened?" But MK didn't want to explain, not now, not to him and he simply shook his head, clutching his arms around his body and squeezing tight in some form of comfort.

Wukong sighed, a deep heavy thing, then nodded.

"Okay, okay, I'll make some hot chocolate and then we'll talk, yeah? I think we've got a lot to talk about." He left, assumedly to do as he'd said but MK didn't look up. He was tired, exhausted even, and wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed and sleep.

He looked down at his hands, squeezing them tight as he suppressed another sob. He wanted to be with his dad. He wanted to be his normal self, with his tail and his fur and he wanted to cuddle up next to his dad and pretend for a while that they were biologically related.

He wanted to go home.      

(Yikes MK is not having a good time, but hey! Actual communication is about to happen so that's great. Always talk things out with people. Also who else is into Five Night's At Freddy's and is absolutely obsessed with the new one? I love Sun and Moon so much it's unbelievable.

I also watched the movie that continues on from the series Hilda on Netflix and that was awesome so I've had so much content recently and it's great. Now all we need is the next season of Monkie Kid and it'll be perfect!  

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you guys soon!)

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