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The next month passed by in a similar fashion, waking up, working, hanging with Mei in the afternoons he had off, and then training late evenings with Macaque before going to bed and having a few hours of sleep before waking up and repeating the cycle. 

It was tiring work, sure, but absolutely worth it. He was getting so much better with his weapon training. (and why they only seemed to train with staff's was beyond MK and he didn't want to ask. It didn't matter anyway, MK thought it was awesome. Monkey King himself had a staff as a weapon! So it was thrilling to learn how to use one and be more like his idol.) 

The only downside to having such a packed schedule was that he didn't have time to visit Sandy at all. He really hoped the other wasn't offended by that. He wanted to visit! There just was never enough time. 

Anyways, he was doing great at training, he'd learned pretty much how to master using shadows and was much better with his clones. He didn't use them often, they were pretty... unstable. Today, Macaque had said he'd had something special planned. 

"So, what is it? Is it something cool? A new power?"  

Macaque smirked. 

"Today-" He started, sounding as mysterious and cool as usual. 

"I'm going to teach you-" MK gasped as Macaque suddenly changed into a wolf, grin still wide on his muzzle. 


"What? Oh my goodness I can do that? That's so cool!" MK bounced around Macaque's different form, poking and gasping with stars in his eyes until Macaque changed back, shaking his head fondly at MK's enthusiasm and delight. 

"Most likely, I can do it and so can Wuk- uh so it- it makes sense that you can do it too." 

"Wait, what?" Macaque put a hand on his back, waving him off easily before directing his attention to the shapeshifting. 

"We'll start with something easy like- 

"A lion! Or a bear! Or- or-" Macaque laughed. 

"No, Kid. Something small. Like a fly, or a spider-" 

MK shuddered a the thought of spiders and really he didn't want to turn into a bug at all. 

"What about a mouse?" He yelled out, giddy with excitement and smiling brightly as he carefully watched Macaque's expression to see if he agreed with MK's idea. 

"A mouse, huh? Well, I guess that is small." He clapped his hands together and gestured for MK to sit. 

"Okay! Let's do this." 

He then spent the next twenty minutes coaching MK through the feeling of shapeshifting, and when MK finally managed to turn himself fully into a mouse (without only turning his ears or his hands) Macaque grinned in almost as much excitement as MK.

"Well done, kid! You did it!" He praised, putting his hands close to the floor so MK could jump up onto them. 

"Thanks, da- Macaque! This is so cool!" He squeaked out, wiggling his nose and laughing when his whiskers tickled his cheeks. 

"It sure is bud. How's it feel?" MK giggled, swinging his tail around as he padded around Macaques' hands. 

"Weird! But good weird! It's- I mean I feel so much warmer, too! Having fur is awesome. It just- feels right. My tail feels way too heavy though, wish I could move it about more, you know?" Macaque nodded, placing MK back down on the floor and swinging his own tail around, glancing at it briefly. 

"Yeah, I know what you mean kid." 

MK scampered around the room, running around the table legs and having fun trying to climb things when something tackled him and he squeaked loudly. He panicked for a second before the body on top of him started laughing in a familiar tone and he looked up, confused but happy. 

"Macaque?" He asked, looking over the darker furred mouse that was pinning him down. 

"Gotcha." The bigger mouse grinned, moving back so MK could sit up again only for MK to immediately leap at him with a yell, rolling around on the floor as they grappled with each other playfully. In the end, MK found himself pinned again by Macaque but they were both laughing and having fun so he counted it as a win.

MK panted, out of breath before rolling over off his back and onto his belly, looking Macaque in the eye.

"So, can we try something bigger now?" He smiled cheekily and Macaque rolled his eyes, shoving the smaller mouse away from him. 

"Sure. If you think you're up for it." 

They ended up transforming longer than expected, forgetting to check the time as they play fought and MK discovered how to traverse with different types of bodies. (He didn't think he would ever forget how hard flying had been.) And MK learned that keeping a form for a long period of time was actually taxing on his energy, causing him to have to take a break every now and then.  

"Oh!" MK exclaimed as he transformed from a bear into a human again. 

"I should try turning into a monkey! Like you!" MK happily clapped his hands together, about to try it when Macaque yelled. 

"No." MK, startled, stopped and looked over at Macaque, who put on a fake look of calm. 

"Ah, I mean. It's- it's getting late. You should head home and get to bed." 

"Oh-kay? I'll um, I'll see you tomorrow, then?" Macaque nodded dismissively and MK slowly walked out the door, feeling confused and hurt as he looked back. What had he done wrong? And why was Macaque so against him shapeshifting into a monkey? Maybe its' cause there weren't any others like him. Either way, he vowed not to do it if it upset his mentor like that.   

Maybe tomorrow he could make it up to him!

The next day, the demon Bull King attacked.

(Hey, hey! See I said I'd update today and did! Anyways, hope you have fun reading and I'll see you again tomorrow, lemme know what you thought in the comments! Also, also, I love mouses and have ever since I was a kid. I like ferrets more though! They're cute.) 

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