Flower Fruit Mountain

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It took a while to get there, that was for sure, but eventually, MK spotted land out of the corner of his eye and rushed towards that side of the boat, leaning as far as he could over the railing. 

"Guys! We're here!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down in delight afterward and Mei rushed over to see too, the island coming into view as he gawked at its beauty. 

The boat stopped suddenly, swinging side to side for a moment and MK looked back at Sandy, confused. 

"This is as far as the boat goes." He said, practically reading MK's mind and answering his unspoken question. 

"A volcanic ring surrounds the island, making it virtually impassible. You'll have to do the rest on foot." The bigger man continued. 

Mei frowned, pulling a face as one of the volcanic geysers went off nearby, lava shooting up out of it.  

"Yeesh, kinda makes you wonder why Monkey King would want to live in a place like this." MK nodded, agreeing as they went to get off the boat. 

"I'm gonna stay and look after the ship," Sandy said, patting the metal object with a loud banging sound. 

"Yes, I am going to stay too," Tang added, sitting down as Sandy handed him a cup of tea and he sipped on it slowly. 

"Oh come on!" Pigsy complained, frowning and groaning as he followed the kids of the boat. 

"Why've I always gotta be the one to look after these kids. Stupid Tang. Stupid Sandy. Staying cozy in their stupid boat while I do all the babysitting." 

"We can hear you!" Mei and MK yelled from in front of him, laughing as Pigsy just grumbled more. 

Together, the tree-o make their way through the volcanic ring, and MK gave a few Monkey King facts along the way, not that the other two asked or were interested.  

Being careful (and almost getting scorched a few times) they made it through and now there was only a circle of ocean between them and the shore, something that they all groaned about. 

"Great! How are we supposed to get over there!" Pigsy complained, gesturing stubbornly at the island a few miles away while MK rested his chin on his staff in thought. 

"Hmm." An idea sprung to mind as he felt the cool feel of the staff on his skin. 

"I can definitely get over there with the staff. I don't know how you guys could though. Maybe you can stay here while I go find Monkey King and give him his staff back? Then I can meet you here and we can go back."   

Which would be ideal for MK, because it meant he could ask about the monkey problem without the other two being around to question him about it.

"No way, MK," Mei yelled, standing right next to him. 

"I can totally make it across there with you. Ain't no way you're doing this alone." 

"I'll stay here." Pigsy sat down where he was, probably glad for the break from the two chaotic kids. 

"Are you sure you want to come, Mei?" MK asked, trying to dissuade her but he could see the resolute determination in his friend's eye and knew there was nothing he could say to get her to leave. 

"Okay." He sighed, planting one end of the staff in the ground. 

"Hold on." He instructed and Mei put her arms around him while he extended the staff suddenly, both of them yelling as the wind whipped their faces and they sailed through the air, crashing ungracefully into the beach and getting sand in their clothes, faces, and hair.

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