Part 100

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Somehow the group had managed to decide that a celebratory meal for dinner needed to happen and Wukong had been forced into joining in too. He hadn't wanted to, of course, but at least Macaque was also there suffering with him at the chatting and loud noises neither cared for.

After asking about Macaque's health, it had been decided that they'd sleep that night and then leave tomorrow morning to enact their plan. 

It was almost daunting, the thought that just over 12 hours later they'd be there, seeing MK and fighting the Bone demon. 

The jittering feeling in his stomach made him realize he was really nervous as well, praying to Buddha that MK was somehow okay.

"What are you lost in thought about over there? Is this party not grand enough for you? Not enough gold or something?" Macaque scoffed next to him but there was no malice in his tone so Wukong merely grinned back, leaning back in his chair. 

"Exactly! I've crashed the best of parties I mean come on, there's not even anything worth stealing here." He laughed and it was worth it when he heard Macaque laugh too, the sound quiet but affecting him all the same. 

Macaque had such a nice laugh compared to the one he put on when he was mocking someone, he couldn't help but think, watching the other with a wide smile and a soft expression. 

Macaque must have noticed because soon he stopped, raising one eyebrow questioningly. 

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He huffed, crossing his arms and Wukong wondered what his expression must have looked like for Macaque to look so... flustered? He shook his head.

"Nothing. Doesn't matter. Wanna go cause some chaos in the kitchen instead of staying here?" He redirected, hopping off the seat he'd been in when Macaque nodded and followed him out of the louder room. 

(he could still hear Red Son yelling loudly as he tried to get the last dumpling from Mei's chopsticks. It was almost amazing how tightly she had it clasped actually)     

If it had been a bit too overwhelming for him, it had definitely been too much for Macaque whose whole body drained of tension once they'd left. 

To be fair, Wukong was only overwhelmed because he'd spent so long by himself on his mountain, far away from civilization for a really long time. He hadn't been around groups in a long while and all this time spent with so many people was truthfully draining in ways he didn't even know he could feel. 

At the end of the evening, Wukong was buzzing with nervous energy, and as Macaque finally said goodnight and left him to his own devices that feeling only intensified, leaving him on edge and stressed. 

When he woke up, they'd be going to get MK back. When he woke up, he'd either save his son or- 

Well, he would save MK, the alternative was too much for him to even think about and afterward, they'd deal with whatever issues MK may now have. 

He was certain that spending time as a puppet like that caused some sort of trauma afterward. He'd been trapped himself though in a different way and mountains and caves still made him panic.   

Since the kitchen was now empty, Wukong decided to head to his own bedroom, not wanting anyone to come in here and run into him. Besides, he needed sleep. Was he sure he could even get to sleep with the thousands of metaphorical tiny bees buzzing around inside him? Not really, but he should probably at least try.  

Inside his room he finally let himself relax, shoulders sagging like there was a weight on them as he slunk his way over and flopped down onto the bed face first. 

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