Excess Energy

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It was hard, near impossible to get to sleep after realizing that. Monkey King, ever since the first time he'd contacted MK, had promised to talk to him once every day, and, up until now, he had. It made MK's mind churn with thoughts and doubts and worries, his chest feeling tight as he tried to force the thoughts out of his head with no success. 

What if he didn't want to talk to MK? What if he was in trouble? What if the Lady Bone Demon had found him and he was fighting her right this very second with no backup or help? What if he was just tired of having to call MK every single day and found him really clingy and was annoyed by it? 

The questions made him toss and turn in bed, now very much unable to even think about going to sleep. He scolded himself for being so pathetic. 

Maybe he was just busy or simply forgot what day it was or something? It was entirely possible that MK was putting this way out of proportion and yet still he couldn't get the what if's to leave him alone. 

He had to talk to someone. 

Although Mei might already be asleep and he didn't want to bother his dad about this, especially if he was overreacting. Maybe he could try contacting Monkey King himself? 

No, that was a stupid idea. For one, he didn't know how to actually do that, and two, if Monkey King was busy then MK would be disturbing him and that might make the other even more exasperated with him. 

But then again what if he did need help and MK did nothing and she won and then everyone forgot Monkey King except MK and he didn't know what to do and- 

He squeezed his eyes shut, finding himself dizzy and breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath before realizing that he was hyperventilating and cursing himself for being so pathetic. 

Chest tight he curled up into a ball in his bed, tugging the covers over his head and forcing himself to breathe in for four seconds. 

Time passed by slowly and by the time he'd managed to gain some form of calmness, it was due to being so burnt out he was exhausted, and eventually, he fell asleep, over-tired.

When he woke up the next morning the first thing he noticed was how much his eyes hurt and he rubbed them, still feeling deeply unsettled and on edge. He tried his best to ignore it, pushing away the desire to stay in bed and block out the world as he forced himself to get dressed and ready, heading out of his room to look for distractions while his whole head buzzed unpleasantly. 

He ended up helping Pigsy with breakfast to keep busy and cooking with the other was familiar in a way that made him miss the shop, mind blank as he went through steps methodically.

"Are you okay, kid?" Pigsy asked, pulling MK out of his autopilot movements and MK noticed that he'd been staring off into space, quickly making himself turn to the other with a convincing grin and a thumbs up. 

"Yep! I'm doing great." He lied, eyes glancing to the clock on the wall as anxiousness crept up inside him. Sounding convincing seemed harder than it usually did and for some reason left him feeling even more burnt out. 

He got back to helping, making sure not to look at Pigsy as he stared at him, obviously checking to see if MK was telling the truth and MK pretended to ignore his gaze, hoping the other wouldn't say a thing about it.  

After breakfast he dragged Mei off for some video games, getting loud and competitive even though he was still checking the time almost obsessively, worrying about when Monkey King would contact him. 

Wondering when had been long enough that it was okay to talk to someone about it. 

"Are you okay, MK?" Mei asked at one point, staring at him in concern. MK was nowhere near as good as her at video games but he was usually more focused than he was now, having lost every single match so far in record time. 

"You seem distracted." She pointed out and MK waved her off, smiling as he stared straight at the TV. 

"What are you talking about, of course I'm not distracted. I'm totally 100% focused! No distraction going on here." He all but yelled out, rambling in a way Mei was familiar with when MK was worried about something but she didn't call him out on it, only letting out a skeptical, 

"Okay," before continuing with the game. He'd tell her if he needed to, of that she was sure.

They played for a few hours before sitting still became too hard for MK and playing games wasn't as distracting as he had been hoping it would be, nerves on edge and growing stronger with every second that passed by. 

"Hey, sorry Mei, is it okay if I train with Macaque for a bit? We can get back to games once I'm done." He asked and promised, and since Mei could see he had energy he needed to get rid of she was okay with it, nodding and giving him a really enthusiastic thumbs up. 

"Great! Thanks, Mei, you're the best!" He cheered out, all but running out the room. As he was chasing through the hall his ears twitched as he tried to listen out for any indication of where Macaque was. He heard Sandy talking to Moe somewhere to his right then heard the movement of two people coming from the kitchen which he assumed was Pigsy and Tang before catching on to a very faint sound of tapping from Macaque's room. 

He rushed straight there, slamming the door open instantly to see Macaque look up from his position on the floor in surprise. He had a needle in his hand that he quickly shoved behind him, his tail thumping against the floor rhythmically. 

"Hey, kid, didn't anyone teach you to knock?" He said, tone sarcastic but not harsh and MK winced, feeling bad about himself for a second before Macaque continued on before he could apologize.

"Anyway, you wanted to do some training, right?" He said while standing up and MK gawked. 

"No way! How did you know?" He asked, tail standing up in surprise and amazement and Macaque grinned, his six ears flicking as MK caught on, making an 'o' shape with his mouth. 

"Oh yeah!" He paused, grinning sheepishly. 

"I forgot." Macaque smiled and pushed MK out of his room, shutting the door with his tail behind them. 

"Now come on, let's get to the deck. You look like you have something you want to get off your chest." He prompted and MK rushed ahead, getting to the deck and waiting impatiently for Macaque to show up because the other had been walking at a normal pace. 

When he did MK got into a sparring stance, hands raised. 

"Can we spar today?" He asked and Macaque looked him over, finally shrugging and agreeing. 

"Alright but I'm not going easy on you just because you might be a little out of practice." MK nodded, grinning in determination. 

"Bring it on." 

(Sorry I've been so long! I have this 50-page essay thing I need to do that I hadn't done and I have only a few days to do it so as you can imagine, I've been very stressed and busy. Still, I managed to get some free time today and thought I'd use it to do something I enjoy so here we are! 

Let me know what you thought, I hope you're all doing okay and I'll see you all soon." 

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