Tough decision

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Immediately wide awake, heart racing in his chest, Wukong ran out of the room, terrified that his kid was gone.

The relief that crashed over him when he saw his son in the living room was immense until he realized whose lap his kid was in, what person his kid was playing with. 

"Macaque." Voice dark and low the other looked up at his name, smiling a grin that was just too wide to be friendly.

"Wukong! good to see you, bud. How's it been?" Sounding so casual and normal and yet Wukong noticed the way his grip on Qi Xiaotian grew a fraction tighter, eyes a little harder. 

"Put him down." monkey king gritted out, taking a small step forwards to try and get closer. Macaque laughed, bouncing the toddler on his knee. 

C'mon Wukong. Don't be like that. Can't a guy come to visit his son every once in a while? How's that been going for you, by the way?" 

Qi Xiaotian, who wasn't really understanding the conversation but was excited to see his dad, reached his arms out with a bright smile. "Dada! Up!" Wukong, keeping a careful eye on Macaque, moved closer and picked up his son out of the others' hands, a relived exhale escaping him involuntarily when Qi Xiaotian was safely in his arms. 

He hugged him to his chest, glaring at Macaque over his head. 

"It's going fine-" But the other interrupted with a short laugh. 

"Really?" Then his eyes got a dangerous glint to them. 

"Because that's not what I heard." If Wukong hadn't had Qi Xiaotian in his arms at that moment, he would have attacked the darker monkey right then and there. 

"Leave us alone, Macaque." It wasn't a request. 

"You know what? No, I don't think I will. Maybe you were right about this kid." He grinned as he looked directly at Qi Xiaotian and Sun Wukong turned his kid away protectively as Macaque took a step closer. 

"Maybe he would be beneficial to keep around. I've noticed how strong he is. In time, who knows. Maybe he'd make a good weapon."

"Enough!" Wukong yelled, eyes bright with power. 

"You touch him, ever, and I'll end you. Don't think I won't." Macaque looked delighted if anything at the threat and stalked a little closer, like a tiger stalking its' prey. 

"You can't protect him all the time, Wukong. At some point, you'll slip up, it's what you do best! And when you do-" He grinned, 

"I'll be waiting." And as Monkie king threw a punch, the darker monkey disappeared into the shadows, leaving with one last echoing laugh that set Wukong on edge. 

"Dada?" His kid asked, tugging on Wukongs fur tightly, and immediately the immortals' attention was on his son. 

"Don't worry kid, it's going to be fine. He's gone now." 

He reassured, soothing his kid and keeping him close. Unfortunately, he knew Macaque would be back. The other wasn't one to make empty threats. 

"He won't find you." He felt his tail curl around his kid of its own accord, Qi Xiaotian laughing and grabbing at it with his fists. 

"I'll make sure you're safe." 

Even if safe wasn't here with him. 

It took another two whole weeks for Sun Wukong to work up the resilience to seal away his kid's powers, placing a seal on the smaller monkey to make him appear human as well. They'd keep him disguised from any demons and keep him a normal human kid so he could grow up without having to worry about being in danger. 

"You'll be safer, like this." He reasoned as Qi Xiaotian cried over the sudden change, deeply confused over the lack of the extra limb. 

"He won't find you, I promise kid." He pressed their foreheads together, pressing a kiss to Xiaotian's forehead for good measure before jumping onto his cloud and racing towards the city nearby. 

Once in the city, he transformed into a human form, disguising himself as he crept around in the dark, finding the nearest orphanage. 

They'd take care of him. The immortal told himself as he left his kid on the doorstep leaving only a small note telling them to take care of him and his name. It was the only thing he could let his kid keep.

He went to move away when Qi Xiaotian pulled his tiny, now human hand out, gripping Wukong's finger with less strength than he always had before. The Monkey king could have started crying at just that, to be honest, but held back as he whispered his last goodbye and slipped his hand out of Qi Xiaotian's, disappearing into the night. 

He didn't look back. Wasn't sure if he'd be able to take it. Not while knowing he could never watch over his kid without fear of Macaque or other demons catching on.

Inside the orphanage, a woman heard the sound of a child crying outside. 

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