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The place, as it turns out, was a huge mountain with a surprisingly flat top. It wasn't anything special but it was in the middle of nowhere and there was nothing for them to destroy out here.  

Macaque went to the middle of the clearing, taking a deep breath as his whole demeanor changed.

"Remember MK, you don't use a weapon." He started, and suddenly purple energy was twirling around him, growing stronger before bursting into a flash of light, and then there was a giant, looming figure behind him, its' limbs sharp and threatening, its' eyes deep pools of glowing, rich purple that sent tingles down the back of MK's spine. 

The one on the right was shaped like an X and MK's attention was drawn into it, the contrast between that and the other, oval eye-striking. Somehow, the imperfection and symmetry made it even more daunting. 

Macaque grinned.

"You ARE a weapon."

MK stared open-mouthed at the creature, jaw hanging wide open before he shook his head, shaking himself out of his daze and rushing closer, eyes wide and awed.

"WOAH! That's so cool!" He cried out, zipping back over to Macaque in awe and staring at the creature in amazement.

"Teach me how you did that!" He asked, demanded, jumping from foot to foot and Macaque smirked.

"Course I will, kid." Then he looked at the dent in his wall and placed a steady hand on MK's shoulder. 

MK's attention was drawn once again to the asymmetrical eye and he tilted his head to get a better look at it. 

"Now come over here and I'll talk you through it before we give it a go." Macaque's voice made MK snap his eyes away from the thing and pay attention to Macaque, listening to every word the other said with more concentration than he'd ever paid anything in his life. 

After a long explanation and a bunch of words about magic and power and things MK only half-understood he eventually got permission to try it out for himself and- delighted- MK immediately began scrunching his eyes shut and trying to follow what he'd been told. 

"Remember, kid, it's easier to summon with intense feelings of rage or anger. Think about wanting to fight back or protect someone and channel that." His teacher reminded him and MK tried to do so, struggling to really bring himself to feel any anger. 

After a long while of nothing happening and MK struggling to make himself anger he eventually dropped back onto the ground, huffing loudly and pouting. 

"I just can't do it!" He huffed out, trying hard not to cry or think about what a disappointment he was. He didn't succeed. 

"Kid, don't worry so much. I know you'll get it eventually. We've just- got to find something that riles you up, something that makes you feel rage when you think about it."  The only thing that made him angry, MK thought bitterly, was thinking about how useless he was. Even then it was more disappointment in himself than anger.

"How'd you first summon yours?" MK asked eventually, tilting his head over to look at Macaque who was staring off into the distance. MK watched, intrigued as Macaque brought one hand up to his right eye, touching it briefly. 

"It was- in the middle of a fight," Macaque said eventually, still staring off at something MK couldn't see. 

"We fought and- well it doesn't matter now. But I came out of that fight bearly hanging onto my life." 

"The eyes." MK found himself blurting out after a moment of silence and Macaque turned to look at him while MK looked down, fiddling with his hands. 

"It's- one of them is an X and I saw you touching your eye-" 

He didn't get the chance to finish, not that he would have because Macaque sat down next to him, sighing deeply before his face changed. It wasn't much but there was a thick scar over his right eyebrow, that eye equally a milky white, and MK gasped loudly, reaching out before pulling his hand back quickly. 

"What? how- what happened?" He asked eventually, scootching just a little bit closer. His gaze still remanded on the scar though, unable to look away. 

"I had a friend, once. He was- I thought he was good. There was a misunderstanding and I lashed out. I didn't mean to but- I was upset. He was always stronger than me and we ended up fighting. I thought he would never hurt me but- well." He gestured to his eye pitifully, casting a singular glance at the staff afterward before sighing and putting his head in his arms, tail lashing behind him. 

"I was wrong." 

"That's why I was worried about you." He said suddenly and MK felt like it was such a right turn that it gave him whiplash, a statement that came out of nowhere and had no context. 

"I know he's changed since then but- well, he's always so quick to violence instead of talking things out and I worried about you. Sometimes, he forgets that people aren't as invulnerable as him." Dread started building inside MK as Macaque continued, his breath catching in his throat as the words continued on, realization and denial pulling against each other so quickly it made his head hurt. 

"Who- who do you mean?" Though MK had a very good idea of who he was talking about but didn't believe it, couldn't. There was no way. Absolutely no way- 

"Isn't it obvious, kid?" And then, in a bitter voice, he said the name MK was praying he wasn't about to say. A name that only raised more questions. 

"Sun Wukong." 

(Hey, hey! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I just love stirring up drama lol, Macaque knows exactly what he's doing. This is also the first time I've ever written a manipulative character in a book so I really hope I've been getting it right so far, let me know what you thought and I'll see you all next time :) 

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