Unsatisfying And Unresolved

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When Macaque had apologized Wukong hadn't known how to feel, how to react. How could he? He'd never got to watch his own son grow up, got so many years robbed of him because of Macaque, and yet it had been his own choice at the end of the day. His own paranoia had made him leave MK. 

And who knows, maybe MK would have gotten hurt living with him, a bigger target at a young age where he couldn't protect himself. 

So no, he wasn't completely angry with Macaque like he was before but he still couldn't decide if he'd forgiven the other yet. Didn't know if it was possible. 

There was a lot that had been taken from him, from him and MK and those years of grief meant he didn't know how to compartmentalize these new feelings. 

He couldn't sit there and say 'I forgive you' when he wasn't sure that was true. Maybe he just didn't know how. 

Instead, he simply continued cleaning and wrapping up the rest of Macaque's injuries in silence, hoping the other wouldn't ask a question or pry into his feelings. He didn't, and Wukong figured that knowing what to say must have also been difficult for him. Eventually, it seemed as though it was all done and Sun Wukong went to move away only to find his tail caught on somethin- oh.  

Stunned for a moment he stared at their tails, both curled around each other in a familiar way that spoke of comfort and years past. Macaque didn't seem to notice his stare. He hadn't even noticed them moving. 

Something caught his eye and pulled him out of his shock as he saw that the end of Macaque's tail was noticeably lacking the fur that was usually there, the skin beneath raw and damaged. It looked painful and Wukong couldn't help his own wince, wondering when he'd missed that. 

"Yikes, she do that?" He asked before he could think about it, realizing his mistake when Macaque looked back, following Wukong's gaze to know what he was talking about and finding their tails, still wrapped around each other.

Sun Wukong could pinpoint the moment Macaque noticed, the others' eyes widening as his jaw opened just a fraction. Like a jerk reaction, Wukong pulled his tail away, shifting so that he was facing Macaque's tail and hoping his emotions weren't visible on his face. 

Seeing the tip of his own tail Macaque realized what Wukong had been talking about, ignoring the previous positioning of their tails. Wukong wasn't sure whether he was disappointed or happy about that. 

"Oh. Yeah. I hadn't noticed." He said, deadpan, lifting his tail and bringing the tip a little bit closer so he could smooth out the bits of fur that had been frozen together. There were still small bits of ice at the end that he plucked out, wincing as a few strands of fur came out with it. 

"Good thing she didn't get more of my tail." He chuckled dryly, no amusement in his tone at the thought of losing his tail. That would have truly been horrible to have to deal with. 

He stared at the injury, feeling numb all of a sudden as his mind replayed that image of MK with her eyes, her expression, her powers. And he'd left him there even after promising himself he wouldn't. Had even told Wukong to leave him as well, a mockery of his involvement with Wukong originally leaving MK behind all those years ago. 

"I can take care of this one." He told Wukong, picking up the bandages from the side and beginning to unwrap them. While Wukong had originally scolded him for not taking care of himself, having followed after Macaque and catching the other after almost collapsing before helping him fix up the wounds still sluggishly bleeding and cleaning dried blood out of his fur, Macaque found himself not wanting someone so close to him anymore, feeling the need to look after himself and not rely on someone else. 

"Okay, fine." Sun Wukong shrugged, tone unbothered as it frequently was. Sometimes it almost seemed the other was allergic to serious situations and complex emotions. 

"I should probably get back to the others anyway. They're pretty hopeless without me." He chuckled, chest-puffing out slightly in mock pride and Macaque rolled his eyes, knowing that's not at all what Wukong was going to do, nor was that how he felt.

He stood up, taking one last look around the room, eyes going soft then sorrowful for a moment before it was gone and he was out the door, leaving Macaque in MK's room all alone. 

When he'd slipped away from the others, tired, aching, and guilty, his legs had taken him here of his own accord. He'd found comfort in MK's room, the drawings blue-tacked on the wall and little personal objects on the draws in cluttered messes. He hadn't even been living here long and yet this place looked like a home. That was the charm MK had with everything though, that ability to make things comfortable, to make people comfortable. 

That was probably the only reason Red Son was still here, he mused to himself, staring at the mattress on MK's floor he was sure must have either been used for MK or Red Son, MK probably the only one willing to share his space. 

The small, fond smile that had grown on his face died just as quickly as it had come, though, nostalgia bringing pain with it as the empty room, void of MK just made Macaque miss him more.

They'd get him back though. They had to. Macaque didn't have many people he called his, didn't have people he got attached to but MK was the exception and he'd be damned if he let anyone, even the Bone Demon, take that from him. 

He finished wrapping up his tail, looking about himself to make sure Wukong hadn't missed any before rolling his eyes at how many injuries he actually had, the gauze wrapped around enough of him that he looked like he belonged in a hospital. 

Setting the rest of the bandages and clothes they hadn't used aside he found himself unable to actually will himself to get off the bed, his body suddenly feeling as stiff as lead. Which was ridiculous and stupid. He'd had much worse before and still found the strength to move for hours on end afterward. He should be able to stand up and get out of this room. 

It should be easy. It wasn't like there was anything physically stopping him. 

In the end, he told himself he could stay here for a few more minutes. Take just a couple more moments of rest and then get back up. Just a few minutes. 

On MK's bed, cushions at his back, and with the lights still on, a few minutes turned into hours when he somehow fell asleep, shutting off like a car with no battery without meaning to. 

(Give this poor guy some rest, damn. But also I've gotten back into painting! I started a new one today and I haven't painted in a while so it was nice getting back into a big project again. 

It was storming today so I had a great excuse not to go outside and spent a bunch of time at the window listening to the hail and watching the lightning, it was peaceful. So yeah, I'm just in a good mood right now, I hope you all had relaxing or good days too :) See you soon!)  

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