Frozen with fear

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She should have responded to him, told him she was, or just said anything at all just like they'd planned.

She didn't.

Instead, her grin grew wider, sharper, and she looked over to Wukong, staring at him with absolute glee as she watched the colour drain from his face.

Everyone else froze, confusion making them worry. How did she know? There was no way she could have found out, right? So how did she know? Looking at her face, her expression, it was pretty clear that she did know, that she had been fully aware of their plan. For how long? They didn't know. 

Wukong recalled when he spoke to her in his room, mind buzzing as he remembered that he'd left the gourd on top of the set of drawers. It must have been in plain sight. She had to have seen it then while he wasn't paying attention to her. 

How hadn't he noticed? 

Dread and guilt curled in his stomach and he cursed himself inwardly. This was all his fault. He was such an idiot. It was clear the Bone Demon thought so too based on the way she was looking at him like she'd known he'd mess up sometime. 

"H-hey! Don't you know it's rude to ignore someone? Who do you think you are?" Red Son yelled at her, trying to re-capture her attention in a futile effort. His small stutter at the beginning showed he was just as off-put by her reaction as everyone else. 

None of them had really planned for what to do now. None of them had thought they'd have to be fighting. How were they supposed to trap her when she knew what they were trying to do?

She didn't even look in Red Son's direction, eyes fixated on Wukong, instead. 

"How careless of you. Only you would be able to fail quite so spectacularly. I was right, you really do bring nothing but suffering to the people around you." Wukong flinched at the accusation, his heart curling with hurt at how true the words felt. 

"Hey! You shut your mouth. The only one bringing any suffering around here is you." Macaque hissed at her, his tail lashing about as he stepped in front of Wukong slightly, blocking him from her view. 

"You of all people should know that's not true, shouldn't you? Or have you forgotten your scar?" She taunted back and Wukong squeezed his eyes shut for a moment at the way Macaque stepped back, his hand trailing towards his eye.  

Surprisingly, he didn't stop standing in front of Wukong though, hands finding their way back to his staff easily as he gripped the weapon tighter, sending her a scathing glare.

Mei followed his lead, pulling out her sword while Red Son clenched his hands into fists, all three of them looking ready to fight. Wukong didn't move, his body slinking behind Macaque, hands trembling. 

"You really think any of you have a chance against me?" The Lady Bone Demon laughed, her voice a cackling mockery of MK's own, much sweeter and kind laugh. 

"Don't fool yourselves. How do you all plan to fight against me when anything that hurts me will hurt your friend and son, too? Or have you forgotten already? You're powerless against me." 

She'd spoken to the group as a whole right until her last sentence, where she'd stared right at Wukong, who was cowering behind Macaque, her expression so very wrong on MK's face. 

"I don't have a problem hurting my friend to save him. When we knock you unconscious, we'll tie you up and find another way to get MK back!" Mei shouted out, determination coursing through her body as electric arches of lightning splayed off her body. She wasn't going to give up. 

The Bone Demon grinned wider, taking a step towards the girl, her eyes glowing that eerie blue as she held her right hand out, ice carving around the area until she'd formed a large, sharp spike made of ice. 

"Really now? Perhaps I should show you the real meaning of power, child. You should be more careful when challenging those leagues above you." She swung forwards at that, a large jagged shard of ice careening toward Mei who promptly yelped and slashed forwards with her sword, trying to dodge out the way of an attack quicker than she could move. 

She gasped when she was sure it would hit her, her sword not helping to cut through the thick sheet of ice, and squeezed her eyes shut to brace herself for what was sure to be pain only for nothing to impact her. 

"What?" She opened her eyes, seeing Macaque in front of her, his weapon having carved through the ice as he'd moved quick enough to save her. 

Chills ran down her body as she stared open-mouthed at the demon, her eyes flickering over to her sword that was now on the floor beside her, coated by a thin layer of ice, and Red Son to her left, having moved closer. Some of the ice near him was melted slightly and she wondered if he'd tried to save her too.   The thought was nice but when she made eye contact with him he simply crossed his arms and looked away. 

"It isn't like you to care, six-eared Macaque. How surprising that you didn't just leave her to die as you'd done with your son." Everyone could hear the Lady Bone Demon even as she spoke over the roaring in Macaque's ears as he growled. 

"People change. That's something I'm not surprised you don't know." He snarked back, keeping his feelings close to his chest. It was easier for him, who'd been doing it all his life than Wukong, who was still standing where he'd left him, eyes wide and lost as he stared at his son's body being puppeteered around like he couldn't bring himself to move. 

Other than looks, nothing about the person in front of them was like MK at all.

Macaque frowned harder, wanting to yell at the other to pull himself together but not wanting to draw attention to him either. He wanted the Bone Demon's focus on him until Wukong found a way to get over that this was MK they were fighting because they'd never save him if they didn't do something about it. 

His head was still racing, blood pumping loudly through his veins at how quickly he'd been forced to move, how easily everything had fallen apart. 

If only they had a way to trap her. The gourd was a no go and it felt like trying to think of anything now was too much pressure, he didn't have enough time. He just needed a way to keep her still- 

There. That's it. 

A thought sparked through his head and hope bloomed in his chest. He had it. 

Or well, she had it. The golden rope that she'd used to tie Wukong up before. He bet it was still somewhere in the caves, lying forgotten about.

To get it though, Macaque needed Wukong to keep her busy so he could leave. He wasn't sure that would work with Wukong, who was clearly still stuck at the thought of having to fight their kid. He just needed him to put his emotions aside for one damn minute and help.  

Last time it had been adrenaline that had gotten Wukong moving, the threat of a mountain above his head making him faster than ever. 

So, Macaque needed to just make his adrenaline kick in which was great because he knew exactly how. 

(Macaque's doing all the heavy lifting, what a good dad/boyfriend. He's really looking out for everyone and coming up with all the ideas. Can't wait for Wukong to start helping out cause so far he's been as useful as a brick wall. 

I hope you guys enjoyed, I'm super excited about the next chapter but I might be late with that one cause I've got a busy few days ahead of me planning for uni and stuff. Wish me luck! Let me know what you thought and I'll see you guys soon!)    

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