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"AHHHH CUTE KITTY!" Mei yelled, laughing as she squished the blue cats' face, petting him and smiling.

"I'm glad you could make it, little buddy!" Sandy said as he squished MK into a crushing hug. 

"Good to see you too, Sandy." MK managed out beneath the other man's muscles that were trapping him in place. 

"This is Mei, my friend. It's okay that I brought her along, right?" Sandy grinned.

"Of course! The more the merrier. Now, who wants some tea?" 

"Me please!"

The next day, MK was sad to have to go to work and Mei couldn't hang around in the shop to keep him company either so it was just Mk, Pigsy, and the random people that came in to eat. Since Tang wasn't there today, an unusual occurrence. Pigsy had said that the other was in the library, but hadn't elaborated more than that. 

The day was- slow going, to say the least. MK spent a lot of energy pretending to be happy and making sure he didn't break anything. The shop felt louder than usual and it was draining him slowly. By the time everyone had cleared out, his nerves were fried. 

That's why, it should have been less of a surprise when, while he was washing up and moving one big stack of plates and bowls closer to the sink, he dropped them. 

Time seemed to slow down as they fell and MK tried so hard to catch them, any of them, but his fingers missed completely and there was a loud crash as they shattered on the floor. 

He froze, fingers still outstretched but stopped. His breath caught in his throat, chest tightening as he waited in silence- 

"MK!" The loud, angry, shouting voice of Pigsy made him jump, flinging backward until his back hit the wall harshly. The sound of footsteps, frustrated, loud footsteps came closer and MK kept his breathing pick up, trying hard not to cry. 

He- he was such a screw-up. 

Such a disappointment. 

Not for the first time in his life, MK wished he wasn't where he was, back firm against the wall while he screwed his eyes shut and held his breath, wishing he was invisible. 

He curled up into a tiny ball in the corner, his head taking him back to the last time an adult had been truly angry with him, where he'd hidden like he was now, wishing the shadows would hide him though his adopted parents still saw him clear as day. 

He heard Pigsy come into the room and didn't dare open his eyes. 

"MK!" He heard the sound of feet stepping on broken glass and waited for Pigsy to call him out. 

"MK get in here right now!" And that- that was a little confusing once MK managed to concentrate enough to actually process what he'd said, the other looking around the room.

"Where is that little- once I find him I'm gonna-" He grumbled as he walked out the room, mumbling to himself and MK opened his eyes, thoroughly confused. 

He wasn't even that well hidden. 

He looked down and immediately let out a yell. His hands were completely black! He moved them around, noticing how they were flatter than normal and so were his legs. 

He was- he was like a shadow! He moved around, quicker than usual as his form went over the table (which felt really strange, in fact) and the walls. It was only when he slid perfectly under the door that he panicked, tearing himself away from the surfaces and suddenly standing normally, with his not-black hands and 3D feet near the middle of the room. 

He stood, wide-eyed as he looked around him and at his own hands. 

What the heck had just happened. 

He ran straight to his room and locked himself in after that, freaking out and talking to himself. 

"Okay, okay MK, calm down. Calm down. You just- just- TURNED INTO A SHADOW!" He grabbed the sides of his head and sunk down onto his bed, letting out a pitiful whine. 

"...What's happening to me?" 

The next day he texted Mei straight away, asking her to meet him outside. She did and looked confused when MK started rambling to her, looking nervous and not making much sense. 

"Mk, MK." she put a hand on his shoulder, keeping him steady. 

"What's going on? Did something happen?" MK took a deep breath in, trying to calm himself down and he nodded. 

"I- yesterday I was cleaning up some dishes and- and I dropped a stack. I panicked and- and Pigsy came in and he was yelling and I backed into a corner and I was freaking out and- I don't even know what happened! Just that, one second I was normal and here and the next- the next I was some sort of shadow! I could move across the walls and under the door and-" He looked at Mei, realizing he'd sort of gone on a tangent and that she was lost. 

"You... turned into a shadow?" She said, sceptical. MK nodded frantically. 

"Yes, yes!" He looked around and shook his hands.  

"I'll- I'll show you!" He went to the nearby wall and pressed himself against it, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to concentrate. 

After a while of nothing happening Mei frowned. 

"Uh, MK?" 

"Hold on! Hold on!" He concentrated harder, trying to think about what it felt like the last time he'd done this. 

"I don't think-" Mei cut herself off when her friend suddenly seemed to blend in with the wall, becoming a black silhouette against it. 

"Woah." Her jaw dropped and MK opened his eyes, moving about excitedly as he realized that it had worked. For Mei, she could see his black outline and his golden, glowing eyes that were, honestly, really unsettling. 

"I can't believe it! How'd you do that?" Mei asked, gasping as she moving closer to shadow MK, (yes, that was what she was calling this now) poking at the wall to see if it would affect him. 

It didn't. 

"I have no idea!" MK yelled out cheerfully, moving across the wall and changing his shape so it was longer and shorter, marvelling at the way it felt. 

"I don't wanna move too far though." MK continued on, slipping out of the shadow and back into his normal self with a little trouble. 

"I don't want to get lost." He looked around, watching the natural shadows around him as they moved with the sun. 

"Or stuck." 

Mei put a hand on his shoulder, turning him so they were looking at each other dead in the eye then said seriously. 

"We need to immediately use this... to play the best pranks on people."  

(Sorry this one took so long! I was super busy at the weekend and haven't had the chance to do it till now. The next one will be much sooner though. Love you guys and lemme know if you like this!)

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