Customs that don't exist

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"Yes! It is I, Red Son!" The demon exclaimed, voice so loud he was practically yelling and MK slid into a defensive stance, immediately suspicious. 

"Red Son! What are you doing here?" He pointed his staff at the other and watched as Red Son went from confident and sure of himself to slightly... nervous? 

"Yes, well, I was actually here to demand you tell me about the low-life demon that possessed my father. He... hasn't been able to remember much of what happened but he remembers seeing you when he woke up. So I am also here to... thank you." He gritted the last part out like it physically hurt him to say it. 

"And to tell you that my family and I owe you a debt." The words were so confusing that MK dropped the staff, jaw hanging open comically. 

"What?" He yelled out, eyes wide and Red Son huffed in frustration, crossing his arms with a scowl. 

"Don't think too much of it, Monkey boy, I'm only saying that because it's demon code. Not because I'm grateful for you helping my father or anything." 

Now MK was really confused, still not saying anything despite his silence raising the demon's already short temper. 

"Well if you're just going to stand there like a bumbling moron then I'll just leave-" He huffed and MK finally found his words at that, shaking his head as though that would help his mind to start again. 

"No, no. It's- thank you, Red Son. I just- why did you want to know? A-about the demon?" He asked, unable to stop his curiosity even as Red Son rolled his eyes like he'd asked the most ridiculous question on the planet. 

"Isn't it obvious? To be able to find the things' weaknesses of course! The demon Bull family will not be humiliated by some- some peasant! We will crush this disgraceful demon and have our revenge." He cackled and MK took a step back from the unhinged demon, shaking his head. 

"You- I don't think you can beat her." He admitted, feeling chills up his spine as he thought about her. 

"What are you talking about? Of course, we can! We're the demon bull family. She was only able to take over my father because we were caught off guard. Otherwise, I'm sure he would have been able to crush that peasant like the worm it is." He sounded confident but MK wasn't sure. 

Still, he sighed, better for them to be prepared if she did come back. 

"Her name's-" Blue in the corner of his vision made him flinch and MK swallowed before continuing, nerves on edge. 

"She said she was the Lady Bone Demon and she's really powerful. I... wouldn't go up against her if I were you."  Red Son shook off his warning instantly and MK looked away, missing the slightly concerned look that followed on his face for just a second. 

"What I do is none of your business, Monkey boy." Then, he looked around, grimacing at the dirt on his shoes. 

"What are you doing out here in this filthy place anyway? There's nothing out here." And it was true, MK was far past the city at this point, nothing but dirt beneath his feet and the occasional tree. 

He rubbed the back of his neck with his arm, feeling awkward. 

"Nothing. I was just... looking... for someone." He caught Red Son's sceptical expression before lowering his gaze back to the ground. 

"Out here?" The other pressed and MK sighed, not wanting to go into it. Not wanting to admit what a failure he was to have driven away his dad, possibly forever. 

Gods he was so useless. 

He nodded. 

"Yep." Red Son looked frustrated with the simple response and huffed turning away. 

"Well, I got what I came for and I'd rather not have to waste another second out here with filth like you so farewell, Monkey boy!" And with a gust of fire he was gone, the place he'd been in empty like he was never there at all, leaving MK sagging where he stood, dragging an arm down his face and sighing. 

Why had this day felt so exhausting? 

He didn't really know how to comprehend everything Red Son had said so he didn't, trudging back the way he came as he checked the time and noticed that it was getting late. 

Besides, he didn't really feel like looking anymore, disappointment and hopelessness tearing away at his mind making it hard to get the motivation to do anything.  

He was glad that Red Son hadn't pried too much about who he was looking for though, not sure he'd be able to keep it together if he thought about Macaque. Thinking about Macaque made him think about Monkey King and thinking about Monkey King made him think about how he was his son and that he needed to tell him and it was all too much. 

He just didn't want to think about it. 

And he especially didn't want to think about her.

She'd disappeared after MK had forced her out last time, the city beginning to rebuild itself after the attack. What's worse is that he had no idea what she was planning or why she left. It was clear that MK wasn't strong enough to beat her, she could have easily taken over the city, and yet... she didn't. 

Great. Now he was thinking about her! 

MK scowled to himself, slipping into the shadows (which made him think about Macaque again) and traveling home, pausing as he got to the front door and putting on a fake, happy smile that felt too big and tugged at his lips. 

He could do this, everything was going to be fine. Everything is fine. It's all fine. 

Repeating that in his head like a mantra MK opened the door, forcing himself to bounce inside, smile in place. 

Pigsy didn't deserve to have to worry about him after everything MK had put on him in his life. 

It wasn't fair to keep pushing his problems onto other people so when he saw Pigsy he waved, smiling a bright smile as he skipped past. 

"Thanks for letting me have the day off, Pigsy! I had loads of fun." He beamed, making sure it sounded believable and Pigsy looked him up and down quickly, squinting in suspicion before sighing and his expression softened a tad. 

"Well don't get used to it! I won't have you slacking off all the time." MK laughed, nodding as he sat down on one of the stalls. 

"Don't worry Pigsy, I won't!" He promised and the other crossed his arms, walking back into the kitchen and yelling over his shoulder. 

"I'll make you up something good to eat, heaven knows you've only been eating junk food and convenient fast food all day. Let's get something proper in your stomach." MK snorted though it wasn't true. He hadn't eaten anything all day and at the mention of food, his stomach growled in want though he didn't feel any more exhausted without the food. 

The smell of homemade food made his mouth water and he relaxed where he was sitting, listening to Pigsy as he started humming from the kitchen. The place felt warm and the smile on MK's face grew smaller though a little less fake, closing his eyes in content. 

It was the first time all day that he thought that maybe things would be okay. 

(Oh my gosh! Is everyone absolutely delighted about season three being out!? I haven't watched it yet, what with the language barriers and all but I'm thrilled with some of the clips and screenshots I've seen so far. I can't wait for someone to subtitle it!)

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