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A long while later once MK's tears had completely dried and his limbs hurt from staying in the same position for so long did he move away, an ache that he hadn't even realized was there lessening and filling a hole he'd long forgotten existed. 

They stayed silent for a while, MK leaning into his side as he closed his eyes and let himself relax with deep breaths. Macaque let him, tail curling around MK's frame protectively as he slowly ran his claws through MK's fur, gently tugging away any knots in a soothing way that made MK feel sleepy. 

The content feeling seeped right down to his core and his chest almost felt like it was vibrating, a soothing rumbling noise filling the room. It took him a moment to notice the noise, immediately blushing in embarrassment when he realized he was purring. 

Macaque let out a gentle chuckle at MK's started expression, continuing the grooming motion. It was the first time in a long, long time that Macaque had really felt peaceful and he wasted keen on ending the feeling anytime soon. 

Especially when his kid seemed to need it as much as he did. 

"MK." Something nudged him in the side, the soothing motion that had been running through his fur stopping, and MK made a noise of disapproval, his purring softly tapering off as he cracked his eyes open.

"You fallin' asleep there, kid?" The voice asked, amused and MK shook his head, yawning and leaning further into the warm person next to him. He was warm here and it was nice and his whole body felt relaxed so he shut his eyes, purring continuing once the hands started running through his fur again, a chuckle escaping the person he was leaning into. 

"Night, kid." The voice said, soft and affectionate and MK let himself drift off again, happy. 

When he woke up next he was in bed, yawning as his ears flicked about as they heard voices from somewhere else on the ship, loud and excitable. He sat up, not being able to remember heading into his own bed and feeling giddy at the thought that his dad must have carried him. 

He'd never had a parent tuck him into bed before and it was a nice feeling. 

He wished he'd been awake to remember it. 

Feeling better than he had in a long while MK got dressed, slinking out of his room and walking towards where he could hear the voices, immediately being led to the living room and peering inside to find Sandy and Mei inside, both of them playing video games on the TV. 

Mei was yelling loudly at the screen and from where he was MK could see that she was winning, both of them playing a racing game that Sandy was calmly and rather slowly driving around the track. 

"Hi, guys. Morning!" MK beamed and Sandy looked back to see him, giving the smaller a big smile. 

"Hey MK, good to see you. Want to play the next round?" He offered and MK nodded, sitting down next to Mei on the couch to watch them finish. 

"And Mei has done it again! Eighth victory in a row!" She cheered as her character zipped past the finish line, Sandy's player till on lap two. He didn't seem bothered at all by it though, congratulating Mei as he handed MK his controller, looking content. 

"Get ready for that streak to be broken Mei!" MK taunted as she picked the next map, grinning and slamming the start button with a forceful grip. 

"I'm your dreams, boi." They got lost in the game as they played and really it wasn't a surprise that MK was frantically screeching and button-mashing his controller while Mei calmly and expertly navigated the obstacles and tight corners, not even breaking a sweat as she cackled at his panic. 

Sandy watched, completely content watching as he cheered both of them on encouragingly. It wasn't a surprise to anyone when Mei won and MK gawked, demanding a rematch while Mei humored him and they went again. 

The morning went by like that, with Mei winning 90% of the time and cackling about it afterward. MK small handful of times MK did win he spent gloating about it for all he could. It wasn't till Sandy had eventually left to make tea and MK's stomach started growling loudly that they stopped, MK realizing that he'd missed breakfast. 

"Snack break!" Mei cheered and MK grinned as they rushed off, skidding into the kitchen so fast that MK slammed his face into the fridge. He pulled back, rubbing his nose as he let out a small laugh, and Mei checked him over quickly before determining that he was fine and pulling the fridge door open, pulling out different snacks she'd hidden at the back. She opened the cupboard next to him as well, yanking out different snacks and chips that MK hadn't even noticed her bring on board the boat. 

She balanced everything she'd collected into an unstable tower and was about to leave when Pigsy walked in, Tang behind him, his eyes catching sight of the junk food instantly.

"Are you two seriously eating that much garbage right at lunchtime? There's no value in those meals! Put that back, let me make you a real lunch." He grouched, mumbling to himself as he started bringing out pots and pans and Tang spoke up. 

"Uh, Pigsy? They can't just live off noodles you know." He commented and Pigsy looked back at him, offended and scandalized. 

"Of course, they can! Noodles are the foundation of life." No one in the room wanted to get into that, very aware of Pigsy's passion and knowing well enough not to disagree with him on it. 

"Maybe you could make dumplings instead?" MK suggested hopefully and Mei lit up at the idea. 

"Yeah! And we could all help out, I've always wanted to make dumplings." She grinned and MK nodded along next to her, looking equally excited about the possibility of cooking together and Pigsy sighed, unable to say no. 

"Fine! You two can help." MK and Mei cheered loudly, high-fiving each other as Pigsy rolled his eyes. Tang sat down on a stool, taking a sip from a mug of tea in his hands that had most likely been given to him by Sandy.   

"I'll help test the quality once you're done." He offered and Pigsy shook a wooden spoon at him, calling him a shameless freeloader loudly. Something Tang didn't deny.

Together the three made dumplings, Pigsy giving instructions while the younger two tried (and mostly failed) to follow them. It was fun though and both MK and Mei were smiling and laughing, joking around, and spending time with each other. 

Even Pigsy was having a good time, happy to see MK relaxed and enjoying himself for once. The room was warm and by the time they were done MK's cheeks were aching from how much he'd been smiling. 

Once the food was cooked they sat down, MK talking excitedly about how good they looked with Mei who was nodding in agreement, shoving two into her mouth all at once and telling him they tasted great too with her mouth full. It sounded like a mashup of nonsensical words and MK burst out laughing at how silly she looked with her cheeks puffed out like a hamster, Mei managing to swallow eventually and giggling along with him. 

"They are good," Tang commented and the duo looked over to see him helping himself to their plate, Pigsy immediately cursing him out for not helping and still stealing the food while Tang tried to nick another one. 

(Family fun! Because I love MK and so I give him two families. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next time!)

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