No Turning Back Now

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Dust and power shimmered like glitter from the break, the two pieces of the staff clattering to the floor uselessly as she let them fall.

Surprise, shock, and sadness came all at once to Wukong. The staff holding so much nostalgia that watching it be cast aside like a useless bit of trash hurt. She'd done it for that reason, he was sure. To prove that she could and would take everything of his and cast it aside. 

That was his staff, his son and she'd taken both just to prove she could. Just to get back at him. 

He wondered when she would break MK like that then shook the thought away violently, muscles tensing in anger. He wouldn't give her the chance. 

Above, Wukong could see the ship, far enough away that she couldn't follow. Part of him wanted to stay, couldn't bear leaving MK again but his golden vision showed him Macaque at the side of the boat, leaning over and watching with wide eyes and he realized he couldn't be selfish like that. 

He'd get back to the others and they'd come up with a plan. 

He looked back at the Bone Demon, a cheeky grin on his face that didn't portray how he felt. It ached to watch that face, MK's face so bland and soulless, eyes an icy blue. 

He was on his cloud before she could realize he was about to leave, her sigh of frustration/annoyance visible to his ears as he shot off at top speeds, not once looking behind him for fear of seeing MK's face and turning back. 

He'd watched the first time he'd left him. He couldn't watch again. 

He landed heavily on the boat, voices immediately bombarding him from every side. 

"Are you okay?" 

"We can't just leave! We have to go back-" 

"What happened back there?" 

Each question was loud and made his head spin and he took a step back, finding he was at the edge of the boat and had nowhere to go. 


"Great. You're here." A sarcastic, familiar, and unfamiliar voice made Wukong blink, looking over at- 

"Red Son?" He couldn't hide his surprise at the demon being there. After their history and the animosity between his family and him, it was unexpected to find him anywhere near- 

"Yes. Clearly." The younger scoffed, arms folded as he rolled his eyes. 

"Where's that infernal monkey boy anyway?" It was that question that had Wukong's eyes sliding to the floor, tail dropping behind him while Red Son narrowed his eyes. 

It wasn't that he cared! No, not at all. He was Red Son, he didn't care about anything! Especially not that peasant! 

...but the looks on the others' faces did make something in his stomach drop. A feeling he immediately hated and blamed on being around so many of his enemies.  

"I can't believe you left him!" Mei, who had been being held back by Pigsy up until that point had broken free of his grasp, stalking up and pointing her finger sharply at the immortal's chest.

"We have to go back right now and-" The silence as all the adults on the ship seemed to look down at the floor made her pause, rage becoming unconcealed shock. 

"Why.. why are you all looking like that? We are going back for him... right?" Her tone, which had been surety at the beginning had dissolved into worry as she came to terms with what she'd probably already realized. 

They weren't planning on going back for him.

"Mei..." Tang, voice calm and sympathetic made her blood boil.

"No. NO. We're going back for him and that's that. I'm not leaving MK behind with her." 

It was Macaque that sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"We need a plan. We can't just go in and-" She shoved his hand off her shoulder, eyes hard. 

"We have a plan! Go back there, bust up the bad guy and then go home together like we always do. That's how it goes." Her words, thick and full of denial made something in Sun Wukong ache fiercely and he swallowed a lump in his throat, pushing past the feeling. 

"We will go back." His voice was resolute, his stature strong and commanding and every bit of the powerful leader they'd all heard in the stories.

It was too bad it wasn't real.

"We just have to strengthen up first, get stronger. But we will beat her and we will get MK back." His tone sounded so sure and even though Mei wanted to disagree, wanted to go straight back she couldn't find a compelling argument. Couldn't get words to form in her throat. 

"Fine. Fine. But as soon as we can we're going back for him." She eventually conceded, arms crossed and suborn and Sun Wukong nodded. 

It was silent for a moment after that, none of them knowing what came next when Red Son cleared his throat loudly, making everyone look over at him. 

"If you're in need of a place to lay low my family has the highest security fortress that will be impossible for her to breakthrough." He boasted, looking very pleased with himself while the surrounding group looked on with surprised expressions and open jaws. 

"You want to help us?" It was Pigsy that spoke, tone incredulous and Red Son immediately stopped looking so pleased. 

"Well... only because you peasants are so pathetic! Besides... it was my family and I that unleashed her. Just don't think too much of it. I'll only offer this once." He rolled his eyes and Macaque, leaning against the railing and discreetly holding a hand to his side, quirked an eyebrow at him, knowing exactly the true reasonings of the demon. 

Red Son caught the look and flushed in anger, his hair burning with deep red fire as he huffed. 

"Well if you ingrates don't want my help-" 

"NO! No, it's not that. That would be great, thank you." Pigsy was quick to placate, shooting Macaque a discreet glare not to antagonize the demon further. They needed all the help they could get.  

While conversation continued between Red Son, Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy, Mei stood silently, watching as Monkey King backed away from the crowd discreetly, lips drawn into a thin line. 

It wasn't long after he had made his way inside, disappearing into who knows where that Macaque followed, tail between his legs and eyebrows drawn in concern when he thought no one was watching. 

Mei herself didn't follow, not wanting to, but she also didn't want to stay here with the others much longer, her mind replaying every second she'd seen MK like that, eyes a haunting, chilling blue that made her own eyes water with grief.

She missed him.  

(Red Son does care :) Isn't that adorable. Mei's still being the best and everyone else is just full of newfound trauma, yay. I can't wait to watch them all fall apart without MK around. 

I hope you guys enjoyed, and I'll see you all again soon!) 

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