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Shapeshifting itself was fairly easy, it was the feeling of something breaking inside him that made him wince as he changed and pulled into something bigger than him, something stronger. 

He just about caught Monkey Kings' surprised face before he picked Macaque up with his bigger bear paws, slinging the other onto his back before bounding away on all fours and tearing away down the mountain. 

He kept running, never looking back, and prayed that Monkey King was still too stunned to follow. 

His mind was on autopilot when he made it to Pigsy's, busting through the door and ignoring Pigsy's confused and outraged yelling as he went straight to his room, slipping his dad down onto his bed and ignoring the way Macaque's blood, still fresh, stained the sheets. 

Once in the room, he allowed himself to drop his form and it returned to something familiar, something with claws and fur and an extra appendage that was hanging limply behind him. 

Exhausted, he slunk onto the bed as well, cuddling into the figure lying there with a pitiful whine, exhausted and tired and not knowing what to do.

His four ears prickled as the sound of footsteps made it up the stairs. 

"What the hell is going on?" It was Pigsy, looking angry and confused and MK scrunched his eyes shut even tighter, sniffling. 

"Who are you and what are you doing in-" Mk opened his eyes, curling further into Macaque's limp arms. 

"Sorry, Pigsy." He whispered out quietly, voice horse and Pigsy froze, anger slipping straight off his face. 

"MK? Kid, is that you?" MK didn't even need to nod because it wasn't really a question. Pigsy looked over the bloody demon on the bed for a second before going back to MK, coming closer and kneeling down. 

"What happened, Kid? What's going on?" MK didn't even know where to begin but the soft, comforting tone Pigsy had taken made tears once spring to his eyes and he leaped off the bed, wrapping his arms around Pigsy and burying his face into him in a hug. 

"Pigsy. Pigsy. Pigsy. I- I need help." He mumbled out, repeating the others' name like it was a mantra and slurring his words together in his panic. 

The other immediately wrapped his arms around MK's trembling form, holding on tight as he rocked back and forth slightly in some form of soothing motion. 

"I'm here for ya' kid. Just-" He looked back up at the bed and the still figure lying on it. 

"Just tell me what you need."  

After calming MK down Pigsy helped treat the stranger on the beds' wounds, cleaning them and wrapping them before washing MK's bedding too. It took almost all of the evening and he closed the shop early to do these tasks, sagging down after all was done. 

Mk had been staring at the demon the whole time, expression clouded and worried and Pigsy sighed, pulling him into another side hug while they sat down on the floor silently together. He didn't ask what was going on even though he felt so out of the loop. 

Even seeing MK, covered in fur with four ears and a tail, was strange and new and he wondered how much his kid was hiding from him. 

Eventually, he did ask. But it was long enough that he felt like MK was ready to talk. 

"You gonna tell me what's going on, MK?" He asked, watching as MK let out a sigh, sagging even more into him and clutching onto Pigsy's side desperately. 

"I- that's Macaque. He's my- my teacher. I started having... powers a few months ago and he approached me, saying he could help. We've been training and practicing for ages but- but-" MK broke down again after that, sobbing and Pigsy just help him tight. 

Looking at the state of this Macaque person, there'd been a fight. MK didn't have a scratch on him so maybe it was Macaque who'd protected MK and that's why he was so hurt. It was all speculation really and Pigsy didn't want to upset MK further by asking more. 

It had clearly been a long and tiring day for MK and, had the kid not been so worried about the demon on the bed, Pigsy was sure he would have fallen asleep ages ago. 

There was a noise, a soft groaning noise from Macaque, and MK immediately stiffened, going ramrod straight before diving towards the bed and hovering over Macaque like a worried fly. The demon on the bed shuffled and grunted again before going still, the only sound in the room being Macaques' deep breathing. 

MK collapsed next to him like a puppet that just had its' strings cut, kneeling on the ground with his tail still motionless behind him. 

He felt like he was trapped in a nightmare and just couldn't wake up. 

Though he wanted to stay and be there for MK the whole night, Pigsy only had to take one look at his kid to know that he wanted time to himself. 

MK had always had a thing about being alone with his problems but Pigsy knew he'd come to him if he needed him. Or at least, he hoped. 

He stood up quietly, putting a hand on MK's shoulder softly. 

"If you need anything- anything at all kid, come and get me." He implored, giving MK's shoulder a soft squeeze before walking out the door, leaving with one last glance at the motionless form of MK. 

Eventually, there was going to be a lot of explaining to do. 

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