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By the time it was lunchtime the calm feeling had begun to wear off and the anxiousness about the silence had increased, even managing to bleed into MK's drawing of Monkey King and the Lady Bone Demon. She was there, standing over the immortal with her blue, lifeless eyes as he kneeled beneath her, clutching his head with his face turned into a painful grimace. It was an image he hid from Mei and shoved deep inside his sketchbook, never looking at it again or thinking about the memories associated with it for when it had happened to him.

He found himself unable to focus on drawing after that and then couldn't keep still during lunch, twitching nervously, tail lashing out behind him and he left as soon as he finished, feeling too stuffy in the room with so many other people.

He could tell that the others were watching, worried about him, and felt guilty for it, telling Mei he'd hang out with her later before leaving quickly.  

He went straight to his room and closed the door, focusing on breathing exercises with his back against the wood, forcing away the anxiety he couldn't explain or get rid of before closing his eyes in determination, his face a stony seriousness as he ignored the way his limbs seemed to tremble.

He was going to contact Monkey King. He couldn't deal with this anxiety any longer. He'd just check up once and then he'd finally know for sure that he was okay.  

Determination surged through his body as he concentrated, focusing on the feeling that was always there when Monkey King communicated with him and trying to replicate that. 

There was this golden tether, something small and almost unnoticeable that he searched for in his mind, a feeling that attached him to Sun Wukong and he followed it, pressure building up in his head that he ignored even as it grew to a painful level. 

His eyes felt like there was lava bubbling up inside them and just when he thought his head was going to explode it stopped, a feeling of light immediately making his eyes spring open in surprise.

His surprise grew when he saw Monkey King, mouth hanging ajar as he resisted the urge to yell in delight only for that feeling to sink like a stone when he noticed the state of the immortal. 

"MK!" Monkey King, who just noticed him was appropriately surprised, his eyes wide but MK didn't respond, still staring at the other's banged-up state. 

"What- how are you-"  

"What happened to you? Are you okay?" MK rushed out, his heart pounding in his chest. His clothes were ripped, his fur was messed up and MK could see small cuts on his arms and fur in various places. 

"Don't worry bud, it's just a scratch." Monkey King waved off only to wince at the movement, covering it up as quickly as he could and giving a not really reassuring grin. MK also noticed that he was talking quietly like he was hiding and looked around. They were settled behind some sort of small wall in the corner and MK realized that he was in fact hiding and cold terror ran through his veins.

"What's going on? Where are you?" He asked, watching carefully as Monkey King tried to wave his concerns off only to get distracted by something MK couldn't hear, looking over and shuffling to the left so he was better hidden. 

The action immediately made MK freak out, eyes wide as he whispered, 

"is it the Lady Bone Demon?" Monkey King winced, eyes darting around MK in nervousness for just a moment before he slung a wavy grin on his face, shaking his head. 

"No way, bud! Of course it's not. Everything's totally fine here, sorry for not checking in for a while, I'll totally make sure to do that tomorrow."His eyes darted around, not staying on MK for long as he continued, hurrying his words along. 

"I'm super busy right now though so if you could go? It was great seeing ya though." He pushed and MK knew that there was more to it. He knew that the other was in danger, could tell by his whole body language. 

So why wasn't he telling MK the truth? 

Didn't he trust him? 

The thought that maybe he didn't made MK feel sick. 

"Are you sur-" He started, tentatively and nervously and Monkey King immediately interrupted. 

"YES!" He yelled, voice loud and, to MK, angry. 

He took a step back, eyes widening as his hands shook minutely while Monkey King sighed, shaking his head. 

"Yes, I'm sure, bud." He repeated, now sounding calm and MK swallowed past the lump in his throat, unable to force the shaky unsettled expression off his face.   

There must have been another noise because Monkey King's attention was broken from him as he looked at something MK couldn't see, face tightening into a frown. 

"Okay, great seeing you, got to go, bye." The immortal rushed out, not pausing o breathe in between his words, and before MK could protest his vision was suddenly back to normal and he was standing in his room, alone.

Alone in his empty, empty room. By himself. Alone.

He didn't move for a moment, standing still and motionless as his mouth opened and closed.

His legs felt weak, his hands trembling as his tail lashed about behind him as his thoughts finally caught up with him. 

Monkey King was in danger! 

Monkey King was in trouble, possibly- probably from her, and MK was sat here, useless and unable to do anything about it. What if she caught him? What if she won and everyone here just... just forgot about him? He didn't know if that was even possible but he'd been shown it in the calabash, who's to say she couldn't find a way to do that here too? 

He needed to warn someone. He needed to help. 

He paced his room, making a humming noise he didn't much notice as he fiddled with his claws, adrenaline still running painfully fast through his body. There was a pressure behind his eyes that burned and his vision went out of focus for a moment before he blinked and something wet dripped down his face. It wasn't until his eyes welled up again that he realized he was crying and gingerly reached a finger up to touch the trail of water, stood stock still.    

He needed to help. He needed... he needed his dad. 

Macaque would know what to do.  

(Things are moving forwards people. Poor MK, he really deserves a break bless him. Speaking of breaks, I've been on one. Something happened and my sensory issues acted up over it and I've been having a not-so-fun week. I'm doing mostly okay now so I'm sorry about the recent inconsistencies. 

I hope you guys are all doing well and I'll see you next time.)   

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