A broken seal

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MK groaned as he opened his eyes, aching all over. His head hurt and he couldn't quite remember what had happened for what felt a minute before his memories came back and he gasped. 

Wasn't he... supposed to be dead? 

Maybe he was dead? He started hyperventilating, looking around him only to see a golden light coming from somewhere to the left of him. 

He moved forwards, drawn to it, only to gasp and move backward once he caught sight of a red and golden staff, glowing brightly.

It was monkey King's staff, he realized with glee. But... where was he? 

His whole attention seemed to be unexplainably drawn to it and he moved closer, reaching out his hand towards it, mesmerized, fingers feeling warm and light as they moved closer. 

He'd gripped it before he'd even realized what he was doing and let out a gasp and golden light spilled everywhere, feeling something inside of him break the moment his hand made contact with the staff. Something that had been there a long, long time. 

Suddenly, he was bursting out into the open air, staff grasped in his hand as he breathed deeply, hearing an enraged shout from somewhere. 

Immediately, he could tell something was different, and looking down at his hands he could clearly see what. 

First off they had claws! And fur! He gripped the staff harder as he felt something sway behind him, letting out a yelp when he saw a furred tail behind him, reacting to his own movements. 

He was- he was a monkey! 

"YOU! HOW- HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? I WILL END YOU WHERE YOU STAND MORTAL!" DBK's voice snapped MK out of whatever stupor he was in and he gripped the staff tightly, deciding now wasn't a good time to question everything. 

"Bring it ON." And with that he charged forwards, surprised when the staff extended as he moved, changing in his hands to help him fight. 

The battle wasn't that hard, all things considered. MK had the element of surprise and was running high on adrenaline as he fought, the lessons with Macaque coming in handy until, eventually, he'd beaten the Demon Bull King and he and his family retreated. 

MK practically collapsed once they were gone, mind frazzled as he looked down at his still furry body that had one extra appendage on it. Strangely enough, MK didn't feel as uncomfortable or foreign with this form as he did the others he'd tried with Macaque, it almost felt natural and he realized with glee that his balance was better now, too. 

Not only that but his hearing way way better! Which wasn't surprising considering the four, soft ears on the top of his head. He couldn't decide if that was a good thing or a bad thing though considering the noise all around. 

But he couldn't let his friends see him like this. He didn't even know why it was happening! 

He looked down at the staff weirdly. That probably had something to do with it. If anyone would know, it would be the owner of the staff, Monkey King himself, but how was MK meant to find him? 

He took in another deep breath, standing up and clenching his hands together. First, he needed to find his friends and make sure they were safe. For now- 

He closed his eyes and focused on shapeshifting, changing himself back into his human form though it felt more forced than it ever had before, like wearing a skin that wasn't his own. It was tiring.

Again, another thing he was sure the Monkey King could fix. 

MK found his phone, which miraculously wasn't broken, and called Mei, who answered confused. 

"MK? How? WHAT? BUT-" She looked at his face and used her camera to show him the clone MK that was sat talking to- was that Sandy? 

"HOW ARE THEIR TWO OF YOU?" She eventually decided on and MK scratched the back of his head sheepishly. 

"Yeah. About that. Can you just tell me where you are so I can explain in person? A lot's gone on over here." Mei looked extremely displeased but told him they were at the docks anyway. On Sandy's boat. (which was a story MK was absolutely getting later) 

He promised to see her soon and then hung up, making his way over to the docks as quickly as he could.

When he arrived chaos broke loose.

MK waited till they were silent, looking at him expectedly before speaking.

"So, yeah. I can kinda... make clones." 

"How come you never told me about it! I'm your best friend! We tell each other everything." Mei cried out, looking genuinely hurt and upset and MK had never felt so guilty. 

"I'm sorry, Mei. I just- I don't even know what I was thinking." 

"So kid, what happened?" Pigsy asked, gesturing to the scorch marks on MK's outfit and the dirt. 

"Well. I sorta- beat DBK." 

"YOU WHAT?!" They all yelled at once, immediately yelling different things and MK had to yell to get them to calm down. 

"GUY'S! Seriously, let me explain. I've sort of... been discovering new powers since I turned eighteen. I don't know why but apparently I can also lift Monkey King's staff."

He held out said staff and everyone brought their attention to it like they hadn't even noticed it there before. 

"Are you sure that's Monkey King's staff?" Tang asked a little sceptically, eyeing him up and MK looked down at the staff. 

"Um. I'll prove it!" He exclaimed, gripping the staff tighter while Tang raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Oh yeah? How?" And MK wasn't exactly sure but didn't have time to think about it as the staff suddenly grew in his hands, narrowly missing Mei as it crashed into some crates on the other side of Sandy's boat. 

Tang made this noise, an excited noise filled with gibberish as he immediately started freaking out over the staff. Though no one was paying attention to what he was saying, really. 

"But I- we have to find a way to get it to Money King!" MK interrupted Tang, determined and everyone looked at him strangely. 

"Why?" Pigsy was the one to ask, arms folded and crossed over his chest. 

"Because- uh- if DBK comes back we'll need Monkey King to defeat him! And because it's his. I also don't want it falling back into DBK's hands." Was the excuse MK came up with, though he was really going so he could find out more about why he could lift the staff and why he turned into a monkey when he grabbed it. 

Even now, he could feel the tiring nature of keeping up shapeshifting as long as he had, not yet having mastered it. He wasn't sure how long it would take before he was too tired to keep it up and needed a break. 

"Well, first we have to find him, right?" Pigsy said and Tang nodded. 

"Yes, his last known location was Flower Fruit Mountain, which is where he's most likely to be but the path there is filled with unknown dangers." He said it all mysterious and MK listened with awe. 

"So I guess we should just stay here." Tang rushed out afterward, giving a nervous smile and Sandy suddenly came into the conversation. 

"Nonsense guys! You can take my boat! I'll get you there no problem."

"Great!" MK yelled, pumping a fist in the air in delight as Mei went over to the bow of the ship and put on foot on the railing, pointing out at sea. 

"Set a course for Flower Fruit Mountain!" 

(Hey look at that we're on our way to meeting MK's other parent! Also, sorry I didn't update yesterday! I'm gonna update every two days from now on though, every day is a bit much and I've got a lot going on at the moment so I don't have much time to write. Anyway I'll see you guys later, hope you enjoyed!" 

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