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It took a long while but eventually, MK separated himself from his dad's embrace, all four eyes twitching as he listened to the sounds of people in the shop downstairs. It seemed that Pigsy had opened the shop today anyway.

MK was just glad he hadn't been asked to work, wasn't sure if he could. 

"I should probably get back to my house now." Macaque started, sitting up properly with only a small wince and MK rushed over to put a hand on his chest and keep him down, alarmed. 

"You- you shouldn't move!" He cried out, tail lashing out nervously behind him. 

"You're still hurt." MK wasn't sure he'd be able to stay away from him anyway, his fears building up at the thought of the older being out of sight. 

"I'm going to be fine, MK." The demon stressed, shaking his head though it was in a fond gesture, glad his kid cared so much. 

"But- but- what if you start bleeding again! Or fall over and there's no one around to help or-" 

"Kid. MK." His dad put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay now. We're safe. I promise." MK wasn't so sure, mind flashing back to the image of the Monkey King, one fist grabbing his dads' head as he slammed it down against the ground over and over and over again, the ground staining red. 

"Are... are you sure?" He wanted to stay here and never leave. Here was safe but Macaque nodded. 

"I'm sure." But MK wasn't. He opened his mouth to say as such when there was a loud noise outside the window, like the sound of something exploding far away. 

Both Monkey's turned their heads towards it, MK's ears twitching at the collective sound of screaming and yelling. 


"MK!" Mei suddenly burst through the door, out of breath and eyes wide. 

"DBK's attacking the city again!" MK felt his chest tighten and he nodded determinedly. 

He'd beaten DBK before and he could do it again. The staff was out and in his hands before he could even think about it, serious. 

"I beat him once, I can do it again," he promised, going to leave when a paw stopped him, grabbing on to his arm softly. He looked back at Macaque, who was grinning proudly at him. 

"Stay safe, kid." He said and Mk nodded back, smiling just a little. 

"I will." 

He was out the door with Mei before he could second guess that promise. 

The city was chaos. It was loud, stupidly loud outside and MK hissed just a little, ears twitching uncomfortably. He could feel Mei's eyes on him, even as his own eyes searched the fire and the city, his gaze burning with curiosity. 

MK sighed, looking down at his own soft paws and claws and taking a deep breath in, quickly shapeshifting back into his human form even though the sudden lack of tail made him feel off balance. 

"Let's do this." Mei nodded with him she whistled, her car storming around the corner, leaving streaks of green behind it. 

"Get on." She said and even though there were many other ways MK could have gotten to the fight he grabbed her outstretched arm and slung himself onto the back, whooping at the feeling of the wind in his face. 

The streets went by in a blur, lights passing them quickly as Mei maneuvered around the city, heading towards where the fires and screaming were the loudest.  

There was something in the middle of the street suddenly and Mei yelped as she slammed her foot on the breaks, her bike turning to the side as she stopped it just in time. 

She opened her eyes to see that she hadn't needed to have stopped at all as there, in the middle of the street was a bull clone, standing ominously. 

They were both familiar with them, of course, and yet this one set both of their nerves on edge with its' strange, creepy stare and glowing blue eyes. It looked at them, a feeling creeping down the base of MK's spine as it did so before Mei started her bike up again, crashing straight into it and sending it to the side of the street in pieces. 

At the sight of destruction stood the Demon Bull King, his eyes blue and glowing much like the bull clones. He seemed- unhinged was the word that came to mind. 

Surrounding him were hundreds- thousands of bull clones, each one menacing and imposing, and MK groaned. 

"How are we supposed to get past that!" He cried out and Mei just smirked, pulling out a green blade he was unfamiliar with. 

"I'll handle them." She said, voice dark while MK's eyes widened.

"MEI! Where did you get that from?" He asked, confused and feeling out of the loop. 

"Oh, some of the bull clones tried to attack my house a few days ago while you were busy training and I defended it with this!" She held the weapon up again proudly and MK felt lost, wondering how he'd missed that, how he was only just learning about that. 

"That's awesome Mei!" He said instead, wanting to support his friend and she smiled back, leaping off the bike and swinging down on the bull clones nearby, streaks of green following where she went. 

MK watched, dumbfounded for a second before turning his attention back to DBK and gripping his staff. 

It was time to put an end to this. 

He took a deep breath in, channeling all of his power into his next strike. 

After all, his first strike should be his last.  

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