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When Wukong made it to the hospital he could have sagged in relief, MK had thankfully stayed breathing the rest of the way there, and then chaos was surrounding him. He remembered bursting in, remembered yelling something, and the sound of people panicking, he remembered the moment MK was taken from him and the feeling of terror that came with not having him in his arms anymore but everything felt like such a blur afterward.

They wouldn't even let him come with them to the operating room, a nurse stepping between him and his son who was on a gurney surrounded by doctors and nurses. Obviously, that didn't stop him, as he transformed into a ladybug the moment her back was turned and sneaked in easily.

The sight that greeted him was enough to give him nightmares, seeing the oxygen mask over his face, the tubes connected to his small body, and the wound right on display, a fast-paced beeping echoing in the room and thrumming in his ears.    

Realizing he was listening to the sound of his kid's heart he couldn't find it in him to find the noise annoying, eyes focused solely on the person lying in the middle of the room, surrounded by equipment, people, and light. 

Every time someone moved and blocked his vision it made him want to scream, needing to see his boy and the rise and fall of his chest as though it would stop the moment he looked away, as though the moment he blinked would be the last time he saw his kid alive. 

He watched as the ice was removed from his chest, watched as the doctors tried to stop the excessive bleeding, watched as they set up a blood transfusion with numbness spreading through him and static in his head. 

 He was telling himself on repeat that he was going to be fine, that everything was going to be okay now in a desperate repeated mantra when the beeping picked up speed dramatically, someone yelling about him going into shock and the flurry of activity became even louder. 

He swallowed when the beeping picked up further, his own heartbeat feeling just as fast in his chest as he fought to keep himself out of the way and not transform back and just hold his kid's hand and tell him to fight and that he was safe now. 

"We're losing him!" He heard the yell clearly, the sound of it making his stomach drop, eyes burning, and itchy with unshed tears. He couldn't go through this again. They couldn't have gotten all this way only for MK to give up now. He couldn't do this. He couldn't watch this and yet he didn't dare leave or look away even as the beeping turned into one, single, steady beep and his whole world collapsed beneath him once again.     

Macaque tried to listen as Wukong left and tried to pay attention to what was going on around him but it hurt to keep his eyes open and his head ached like someone had taken to it with a mallet. 

Wukong probably had it sorted anyways, he wasn't fit to be helping so he tried not to feel too guilty as he let himself drop his head back to the floor, closing his eyes and trying to ignore the way everything felt like it was spinning. 

He wasn't sure how long he spent that way and wondered if maybe he'd dropped off to sleep at some point because he was definitely waking up with someone shaking him and wondering what he'd missed. 

"Macaque! Are you okay?" He opened his eyes, recognizing Mei's voice as he squinted at the bright light hurting his eyes. Once he'd registered what she'd asked he answered, tongue heavy in his dry mouth.     

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." He looked up at her, eyes drifting around until he saw Red Son on top of someone tied up on the floor. It took him a hot second to figure out who that was but when he did he blinked, surprised.   

"You got her?" He asked and saw Mei nod out of the corner of his eye though there was something wrong with how subdued she was and alarm bells were ringing in the back of his head. 

He turned his attention back to her, looking more closely at the girl who was pale and trembling minutely. She looked awful and terrified even though they'd stopped the Bone Demon. Then it crashed into him what was wrong and who was missing and he sat up quickly, ignoring the way he felt dizzy from the fast movement. 

"Where's MK?" Was the first thing that he blurted out, head turning like he could spot him if he just looked hard enough. 

"And Wukong?" Mei's trembling got worse and worry gnawed at him as she breathed out a shaky sigh, her eyes swelling with tears that she quickly wiped away, holding her arm in from of her face like she was ashamed.   

"It's all my fault." Was her cryptic, dread-building response and he tried to stand, stumbling a second before making it to his feet, a hand on his aching side.

"What do you mean, Mei? What happened? Where are they? Are they okay?" She whimpered and it set him even more on edge, wishing she would answer the question faster because not knowing was killing him and the worry was gnawing a hole in his heart.

"Hospital." She croaked out, sniffling and removing her arm from her face. She looked awful with red cheeks and a blotchy nose but he couldn't bring himself to do anything about it as his breathing hitched. 

"Monkey King told me to get you and meet him there." She added and he took a lot away from that, noticing that it was Wukong that had been giving instructions. That meant it was MK that was injured. Now the question was how badly? He had to be okay, right? Wukong always worried more than he should. Maybe it was a small wound. This didn't have to mean something serious. It didn't.

Telling himself that didn't help the feeling of worry and nerves from building up inside him though he tried to push them down to remain focussed. 

"Okay, okay let's go there then." He almost asked her if the injury was serious, if there was a chance MK might not make it but didn't, not sure he actually wanted to know the answer and not sure he'd be able to push the question out anyway. 

Surprisingly, the Bone Demon was silent as Macaque grabbed one end of the rope and proceeded to drag her down the mountain towards where the boat was waiting for them, his mind still singularly focused on getting to MK and Wukong to make sure with his own eyes that they were okay. 

"W-wait, you're injured!" Mei tripped after him, hovering but not taking the rope from him as she wrung her hands together nervously. It wasn't very like her at all. 

"Do you want me to-" 

"Nah, it's fine. I've got it." His voice was flat. He didn't want her that close to the demon if he could help it though and really his vision wasn't even swimming that much anymore so it wasn't like he couldn't do it himself.   

So he dragged her all the way to their ship even though it pulled at his injuries and re-oped the wound on his leg, hot, wet blood beading down in droplets and clotting in his fur. He couldn't help but inwardly complain at that, knowing what a pain it was going to be to clean that later. 

Then he remembered there were more important things to be worried about and he winced, mind drifting off to thoughts of his little family. He hoped they were okay because if they weren't? Well, he looked back at the Bone Demon and formed his mouth into a sharp grin, tugging her across the floor a little more harshly. If they weren't, at least he had someone to make pay.  

(Fun fact! I actually did some research on Hypovolemic shock for this chapter. I don't really know anything about medical stuff, so it was fun to do some research about it and all the effects of losing lots of blood even though I didn't really need to. 

Anyway! I know I've been gone a while, so I'm sorry about suddenly dropping off the face of the earth but I'm back now and I should be continuing as normal. Also thank you to everyone that was asking about me while I was gone, that was really sweet of you guys and was really nice to come back to. I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you all soon!) 

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