Careful What You Promise

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Wukong wasn't thinking straight. Somewhere inside he knew that but she'd threatened his baby boy and suddenly it was like he couldn't control himself. Protective instincts made him lunge forwards, MK yelping as he lost his grip, left behind as Wukong went straight for the Bone Demon's throat, seeing red and hearing the rushing of blood in his ears. 

He wasn't going to let her touch another hair on his head. 

Had he been thinking rationally, he would have never left his boy alone like that but his instincts were screaming at him to get rid of the threat, and so he did.  

He attacked her with animistic rage, his claws and teeth his weapons and he descended upon her. His wild fighting had caught her off guard, it was hard to fight against someone who was moving so erratically as she fought to keep him back, ice broken through like toothpicks. 

MK found himself unable to tear his eyes away from the battle, wind whipping about from the power of Wukong's blows and he watched with wide eyes as his Baba went feral, finding himself shuffling away from the battle, still on the ground. 

He bumped into something and squeaked, head spinning around only for soft arms to be grabbing at his shoulder, Macaque on his knees behind him. 


"Dad!" MK swung his arms around Macaque's shoulders, burying his face into his dad's chest and tightening his grip, relief making his eyes prick with tears. 

"Hey, kiddo." Macaque pulled him in closer, tone unusually soft and affectionate before he looked up at where Wukong and the Bone Demon were fighting, heart thumping in terror at the sight that was an angry Wukong. 

"Let's get you out of here." He stood up, scooping MK up with him who was clinging onto him easily. He winced the moment he put pressure on his leg and MK caught it, looking down, his tail wrapped around Macaque's arm. 

"You're hurt." He uttered out softly, eyes transfixed on Macaque's hastily bandaged leg and the blood that was seeping through it.  

"Just a scratch, kid." Holding MK carefully he moved them both away from the fight, finding his way to Red Son who'd also been wise enough to move away from the carnage going on. 

"Monkey boy! You're okay." MK thought he must have been hallucinating for a second as he thought Red Son almost sounded relieved and he looked at the other, tilting his head to the side. 

"Red Son?" Why was he here?

"Of course, it was entirely my efforts that saved you, your friends would have been hopeless without me so-" 

"Chat later, kids. Let's go." Macaque interrupted Red Son's boasting and MK pushed his face back into Macaque's chest, content not to talk anymore. He felt warm and safe here like her words couldn't hurt him. He knew it was pathetic, being carried like this but he didn't want to let go. 

Over Macaque's shoulder he peeked his eyes out, looking at the entrance of the cave that he was sure would haunt his dreams. 

He was watching the opening, legs curled around Macaque's waist and his nose buried into Macaque's shoulder when green lit up from inside for a second and his eyes widened at the sight, ears twitching. He knew that colour anywhere.


Macaque heard MK's quietly whispered word and turned around as quickly as he could on his burning leg, shifting his weight so he was using his uninjured leg to scan the entrance of the cave. Only a second later Mei came racing out, skidding to a stop in front of them, hands on her knees and panting. 

As soon as she'd caught her breath she looked up, eyes wide. 

"I've got it!" She cried out, triumph ringing in her words as she held out a golden rope in front of her, and then she caught sight of what Macaque was carrying. Or rather, who. 

"MK?" She breathed out, her face breaking out into a wide grin. 

"You're okay!" Squealing she hugged her best friend, all but collapsing into Macaque's arms as well as she wrapped her arms around the places Macaque's arms weren't wrapped around. 

"Oh my gosh, I was so worried about you! I love you so much, MK." A few tears dripped from her eyes as she held him and MK smiled shakily, letting go of Macaque with one of his arms to hug her back, practically purring at the warm comfort of his friend. 

"Love you too, Mei." He whispered out, voice quiet and Mei squeezed him harder before pulling back, eyes manic as she gripped the rope in her hands, lighting breaking off around her menacingly. 

"Now let's go teach that body-snatching demon a lesson. No one hurts my bestie and gets away with it." 

Macaque looked back at Wukong and the Bone Demon, watching as Wukong got slammed into the ground before getting back up again, unbothered as he threw a punch back, the Bone Demon only just dodging it. Even the blow from the force of the strike had her falling, her face a clear picture of frustration as she pulled up an ice wall to gain some distance.  

"No. You stay here. I'll go help." As soon as he'd spoken MK's grip tightened on him and he could feel the kid's panic. 

"No!" He shouted and it was the loudest Macaque had heard him speak since he'd been freed. 

"You-you're hurt." MK's voice shook slightly as did his body so Macaque ran his fingers through his kid's fur, hoping to calm him down. 

"I'll be okay, kid. I'm just gonna give Wukong the rope, okay? It'll be okay." MK's grip loosened at the surety in Macaque's tone but still, he didn't let go, staring up at Macaque with his wide, bright eyes.

"I promise." He added and that seemed to work because slowly MK nodded, letting Macaque set him on his feet.

It was odd how letting go of MK was hard for him too, the action making his chest ache. 

"Okay," MK told him, voice soft and Macaque nodded, pressing an uncharacteristic kiss to the top of MK's head before staring down with a smile. 

"I'll be back before you know it, kid." Then he grabbed the rope off of Mei and sunk into the shadows, crossing the battlefield to get to Wukong.

(We've had some sweet moments with Wukong so here's some more Macaque because we can't forget about him. Wukong going feral is inevitable and I can't believe how much fluff there was in this chapter, I hadn't meant to make it that cute honestly but so glad I did.

I hope you guys enjoyed! I'll be updating every three days instead of two because that seems to be my limit at the moment but maybe I'll make them a little longer to make up for it? Who knows. Let me know what you thought and I'll see you next time!)  

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