Settling In

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After what had amounted to a very uncomfortable dinner most of the ship's occupants had stayed out of each other's way for the evening and it was approaching night by the time they arrived at the Flaming Mountains where the Bull family's palace resided. 

Red Son, proud to show off his impressive home immediately began talking about the greatness of his family while everyone ignored him, Mei taking out her phone to snap some pictures as she followed behind him. 

The front doors were huge and imposing, a statement to the huge size of the bull King himself, and Wukong stared up at them with a grimace, incredibly on edge. 

His instincts were screaming at him to run and leave without looking back and the more steps he took towards the house the more uncomfortable he felt, the more his legs protested, and the more he wished he wasn't there. 

Some of what he was feeling must have shown on his face or the way he dragged behind the rest of the group because Macaque was rolling his eyes at him, looking ready to grab him by the arm should he decide to flee.

The doors opened and the group went in, Mei was fairly unimpressed with the grandeur, she was used to it, though she was vlogging the experience, dragging Red Son into shot despite his protests as she streamed the whole experience.   

Wukong and Macaque made sure to stay carefully out of every shot, far enough away from the rest of the group since Wukong was still standing at the doors, procrastinating heavily. 

His worry was building the longer he took, much to his horror, so he quickly took that step in, ignoring the way he felt cramped and on edge and forcing his body to relax. He kept everything about his body posture casual even though he was feeling anything but. 

 "Oh Red Son darling, you're back!" Princess Iron fan rushed over to her son, cupping his cheeks and checking him over before looking at the group with him.

"You didn't tell me we'd be having guests. I would have made arrangements." Her tone was colder now, not mean but still uncaring. Wukong grimaced inwardly at the particularly scathing look she sent him once she'd seen him. 

"Hey princess, it's good to see you too. You're still looking great I see." Wukong chimed in cheerfully, knowing full well it would make her even more irate. The woman rolled her eyes and Red Son simply ignored Wukong's greeting to talk to his parent. 

"Sorry Mother. Would it be alright if we had some rooms prepared? My... acquaintances will be staying for a short while." She looked even more disgusted at that, individually studying the chaotic group for a moment before sighing wearily. 

"Yes. That is fine, I will send for some Bull clones. Do make sure to say hello to your father before you show your guests their sleeping arrangements though." She paused, glancing back at Wukong before changing her mind.

"Actually, perhaps show them to their rooms before doing so. I will go and inform him of our... guests and of your arrival."

Red Son nodded appreciatively, they didn't hug but Red Son's hands were now clasped in hers', an affectionate squeeze passing between them.  

She left as quickly as she'd arrived after that and Red Son was back to being his usual self. It was only now that Iron Fan was gone that Mei noticed how subtly... softer he'd been in her presence. More subdued with less yelling. It wasn't that noticeable but it was still there. 

"Well, why don't you peasants go and get your meager belongings from that ship while the rooms are being prepared? I need to collect my things as well." He instructed before turning around and striding back out of his home. Everyone else was quick to follow, going back to their temporary rooms' to grab their things. 

There wasn't a lot and it didn't take long with Red Son using Bull clones to help carry things. He protested the others' using them but somehow the robots were carrying everyone elses' things eventually anyway and when asked he'd simply yelled out that they were being too slow and useless on their own. 

Knowing where to go the Bull clones set the things down in each person's respective rooms, all set in one hallway. First was Mei's room, closest to where Red Son's actual room was, then Sandy's room, Tang's, Pigsy's, Macaque's, and Wukongs in that order. 

While they'd been unpacking their things, Red Son had left, discreetly going to see his father while everyone else was occupied. He was back before anyone had finished and was quick to grab Mei to stop her from wandering around or sneaking into his room to take a look when she had finished. 

Once everyone had finished they bid each other goodnight before heading into their rooms for bed. It was late and after sleeping in an aircraft for over a week most of them were happy to be sleeping on solid ground. 

Macaque lay awake for a short while in bed, an old, loved plush in his hands that he stared at mindlessly for a long while. His ears twitched when he heard Mei and Red Son across the hall, talking to each other loudly about a game room before eventually the sounds pulled to a stop and he realized that at some point they went to bed. 

When Macaque did fall asleep, it was listening to the sound of Wukong's pacing next door, the movement repetitive enough to lull him to sleep. 

distantly he was worried about the immortal, wondering what thoughts were on his mind to have him pacing, wondering if he should have gone in and said something about it? 

Those thoughts didn't help much though before he knew it he was asleep, dreams pleasantly blank from exhaustion.

Sun Wukong didn't fall asleep at all. Pacing back and forth in his room with his tail swishing back and forth behind him. 

How could he sleep with so many thoughts on his mind? Thoughts about DBK, about the Bone Demon, about MK. He'd collapsed from exhaustion the last time he'd slept but he wasn't exhausted now so there was no easy dropping off to sleep. Anxiety and worry gnawed at him hungrily and he didn't know how to make the feeling go away. 

After a long, long time of simply pacing around, he gripped at the fur on his arms painfully tight, breathing heavily with frustration. It was just so quiet. 

He wished he was curled up with the monkey's back on his mountain, or MK, or even Macaque. Shaking off that last one as an intrusive thought he shook his head, sighing to himself loudly. 

Everyone else was asleep so maybe he could take a walk? Get himself a snack, take his mind off things, and then maybe he'd feel settled enough to sleep afterward.

Yeah, that was a good idea. 

So being as quiet as he could, Wukong left his room and headed for the kitchen, looking for peaches to satisfy his restlessness.  

He hadn't been expecting to run into someone else.

(I hope you enjoyed this one, not much happened though, any guesses on who Wukong runs into? It's not a hard guess though lol. Hope you guys enjoyed anyways, can't wait for the next chapter, I'm actually more excited about writing that one. Let me know what you thought, hope you guys had a great day and I'll see you again soon!)

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