Into The Enemy's Lair

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"Red Son! Hey." Mk said uncomfortably, awkwardness written all over his face. 

"Sooo... can we come in?" He asked afterward, sure that the demon was going to say no but Red Son merely scanned over the group, grimacing before putting on a pleasantry tone that was so fake his teeth were grinding together. 

"Sure. Come in." He opened the door, holding it open and looking like he was going to burst a blood vessel as they all passed, Mei putting two fingers to her eyes then moving them so they were pointed at him as she passed in the universal gesture for 'I'm watching you.' 

They followed him awkwardly and silently as he led them to the main room. A room with furniture. It was nice with tall ceilings and what looked like expensive decor and MK looked around in awe as the others sat down. 

"Can I offer you peasant- people some drinks?" Red Son ground out, Sandy immediately flinging his arm into the air and asking for some tea while Tang also calmly nodded and said he would like some too. 

Red Son nodded stiffly and walked out, telling them not to touch anything before leaving. The moment he was gone MK was hovering around the room, poking and prodding at things that looked interesting. He looked over at Mei and found she looked disinterested, her eyes still glaring at the hallway Red Son had left down. 

When the prince came back a bull clone was with him, holding a cup of tea in each hand that it went over and passed to Sandy and Tang before leaving. Now alone Red Son sat down on a separate seat from the group, glaring at MK until he stopped touching the vase he was holding and sat down as well. 

"So. What is it that you want?" He asked, getting straight to it but he was looking at MK and not the others so MK decided to answer. 

"I'm actually here to call in that favor you mentioned? If that's okay?" He said nervously and Red Son nodded, waving off his un-surety. 

"Yes, I didn't expect you to need something so soon but I suppose it's better for you to need it now rather than later. What's the favor?" It seemed as though he was trying really hard to be civil and MK made sure not to ramble or waste the others' time. 

"I need your help finding Monkey King." He said and saw the way Red Son's face soured at the name, anger flashing over his features before turning into something bitter as he scoffed.

"Really? That's what you want to waste this favor on? I'm not going to give you another you know! This is the only one! It's not my fault if you use it on something so- so unimportant!" He sounded more like himself, his hair bursting into flames as he spoke and MK felt rage bubbling up inside him. How dare he? How dare he say what was and wasn't important!

"This is important!" He snapped, stamping his foot down and standing up in one quick motion.

"He's in trouble, the Lady Bone Demon has him!" It was only after he'd yelled this out, a fire in his eyes and force in his body language, that he looked down and saw Red Son. Really saw him. Saw the same look in the demon's eyes that was there the first time they fought and MK had aggressively beat him, fully intending to put the other down for good. 

He remembered the look on the others' face then, a shocked terror that he hid as well as he could. That same look was there in the demon's eyes now, his hands clenched into fists that shook slightly with legs poised like he was ready to move at any moment. Like MK was a snake about to strike at any moment. 

The fire inside MK died as quickly as it had come, hating himself for the way he still let his emotions control him. Hating himself for still listening to Macaque's teachings. He stopped his thoughts there. He didn't want to think about it. 

Posture slumped, MK sat back down, his cheeks warm with shame. 

"Sorry, I shouldn't have yelled." He took in a deep breath, calming and stealing himself at the same time. 

"But this is something I really need. Please help me." Red Son stayed shocked in silence for a moment mouth opening and closing before he regained his composure. 

"Well- well I suppose I have to, don't I? But never fear for I, Red Son, shall find him for you. Faster than anyone else I'm sure." He cackled with pride and MK smiled just a bit, leaning back into his seat.

"Great! So where do we start?" 

"First I need to know everything, and then I'll have to do some research. I'm sure I can figure out some way to find him or some artifact that can do so." He stood up, any fear completely gone now that his mind was moving. 

"Alright Monkey Boy, let's go to my workshop and you can tell me what you know. Any details could prove to be important so don't leave anything out." He went to leave and MK stood up to follow when Pigsy asked, 

"what about the rest of us?" Red Son waved him off, not paying him any attention. 

"You can wait here, the Bull clones will give you anything you need." Mei jumped up, huffing through her nose. 

"Nu-uh! No way am I leaving you alone with MK. I'm coming with." She was so resolute, tone not budging and MK could see the way Red Son went to object. MK appreciated his friend, he really did, but there were some things he didn't really want to say in front of her. 

If Red Son wanted every detail that meant he'd have to describe everything. He didn't want Mei to ask questions. Red Son wouldn't care, that MK knew. But Mei, Mei would look at him and know he wasn't okay and he couldn't handle that. He put a hand on his elbow, biting his lip.

"Actually Mei... It might be best if you wait here." He admitted guiltily before Red Son could say something similar but less tactful. Coming from MK though it was harder for Mei to insist against. 

"What-" She went to say, tone confused but MK shook his head.

"I'll be okay! Really, I can protect myself you know. I'll be back before you know it." He tried to reassure and Mei shook her head, mouth opening to object. 

"Okay, see you soon, kid." Pigsy cut Mei off, his tone final as he put a hand on her arm and she looked back at him, a betrayed look on her face before turning back to MK, scanning him with her eyes and then looking at Red Son who looked like he'd rather be anywhere else and finally giving in. 

"Fine. Fine! But if you try anything funny you'll regret it!" She said at Red Son, tone dark before she sat back down in a huff. 

MK gave Pigsy a grateful look before following as Red Son left, waving behind him at the others.

(Lol, this is chapter 69. I really enjoyed writing this one, Red Son is fun to write. I too would like to sneer at people and call them peasants. 

I finally watched season 3 by the way! I won't have any spoilers at all in this book of course, but wow was it a great season. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed as always and I'll see you guys soon.)  

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