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Izuku sat in the back of the police bus. The mission had been a full success and they had captured everyone they had to capture. Sir had asked a police officer if he had the time to bring the students back to their school. He happily agreed. So now Izuku, Nana, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Momo, Kirishima, Mirio, and Tamaki sat on the bus. They were all just talking about random stuff.'' Oh, Sorry getting a call.'' Izuku said. It was his mom. With a smile, he accepted the call. His smile turned larger as he saw his entire street basically try to fit their face in the camera area.

'' IZUUUUUUKUUUUUU, ARE YOU HURT.'' The bus had to smile as Mamadoriya was extremely worried.'' I am fine Mom.'' BUT YOUR SHOULDER, SHOW IT TO ME, SHOW IT NOW.'' YEAH YOU LITTLE WEAKLING, WHY DIDNT YOU JUST COMBAT ROLL OUT THE WAY OF THE ATTACK, WHAT ARE YOU, A BITCH.'' Chichi screamed, Only to release a monstrous howl, as Alica pressed her hand in Chichi's face and pushed her away.'' It's bandaged up. I am going right to Recovery Girl, I swear.'' Izuku said This caused Ochaco and Nana who sat nearby to pop their head in the area.'' We will make sure of it.''

'' I am still coming to see.'' Izuku nodded.'' You did really well young man.'' Hendrick said, a prideful nod given to Izuku.'' Thank you, sir.'' The praise did not stop at Mina's father. The entire street shared their pride for Izuku. The first step taken to show the world as a whole that Character is more important than quirks is to start judging people on the quality of their character instead of the nature of their quirk.

Inko stopped the call as she stepped into the car. Not allowed to video chat and drive.'' Your mom seems like a lovely woman.'' Mirio said with every single member of the first years nodding.'' She is one of the loveliest.'' OH, I so hope she will cook for us again.'' Kirishima wondered, nearly completely in bandage.'' I hope so.'' Ochaco said with a smile.'' Is she a good cook?'' The car nearly moved with how fast the group nodded their heads. Mirio just laughed, his arm over Tamaki's shoulder, aggressively shaking the poor boy. 

'' Best of luck you guys, Hope you turn out to be the heroes we hope you all to be.'' The police officer said as he let them out.'' Thank you, sir, We will try.'' He gave a nod. As a police officer, He dealt with heroes very often, Some were complete fucking assholes. Annoying loud, think they are better than everyone else asshats. This officer however got to see how these kids were, Both during a mission and after the fact. They were just normal kind people.'' You kids stay safe and enjoy your time off.'' Time off?'' Ochaco asked with the officer nodding.'' Due to the fact none of you are real heroes yes. The law states that after a raid any student doing a workstudy gets a week off.''

'' Even Mirio and Tamaki?'' Both nodded'' Kirishima normally would get the time off due to his injuries, So he most likely gets 2 weeks if he wants, but the rest of us get a week.'' Mirio said, waving the group off as he was going back to his dorm to sleep. The officer waved them off as he drove back toward the police station.'' You two come with me.'' Momo said pointing at both Izuku and Kirishima.

Both nodded, '' WOOOOW HEROES, GOOD JOB TODAY, DIDNT SEE THAT COMING FROM A DRAGON.'' To walk toward the medical area, you had to walk past some dorms. They had walked past the business course. And one of the students had looked out the window at the correct time.'' Did he mean that as a compliment?'' Nana said, annoyed at the hate still,'' Relax, That was nice, at least nicer than what I am used to.'' Izuku said, waving his hand toward the yell. ''It's still not okay.'' Nope, it's not, But I can expect them to change in a day.''

He wasn't the only one to yell.'' GIVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO A BETTER QUIRK, FILTHY VILLAIN.'' One of the third years yelled. A third year in the general studies. This was by far the worst they had heard that day.'' OI SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU NO SKILL HAVING SHIT.'' Nana yelled back angrily. Izuku pressed his hand softly on her shoulder shaking his head.'' They are not worth the effort Nana, Just ignore it.'' Thankfully they had no interruptions for the rest of the walk. As they knocked and walked in they saw Recovery Girl already waiting on them.'' Yeah yeah, I saw.'' She said.

The Hero of the Green: MidoRyuuWhere stories live. Discover now