Alfred Should Not Be left Alone

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Arthur blinked in shock as he stared at the destroyed living room, He barely even noticed the puppies that were running around. He had only been gone for 30 minutes how in the world did Alfred cause this much chaos? He slowly turned around to face Alfred who was rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin on his face.

"In my defence, I was left unsupervised" He said cheerfully causing Arthur to sigh tiredly in exasperation.

"I wasn't aware that you would need a babysitter but I'll remember that for next time" He drawled sarcastically causing a pout to appear on Alfred's face. Arthur smirked slightly in satisfaction before glancing down as one of the puppies jumped up on his leg.

"Where did you even get all of these puppies?" He asked curiously as he crouched down to pet the puppy. Instantly Alfred's pout was replaced with a bright smile. 

"The shelter across the street, their a birthday gift for Ludwig" He said proudly causing Arthur's lip to twitch slightly in amusement.

"Ah that makes sense, I'm sure he'll love them" He said fondly which made Alfred's grin grow ten fold as he bounced in place.

"However until you deliver them you will be taking care of them, which includes cleaning up this mess" He said teasingly which caused Alfred's smile to disappear and once again be replaced with a pout. 

"No! Why?!" He whined childishly which just made Arthur chuckle amusement. 

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