Lost Child

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Just a heads up, there is a lot of French in this chapter and despite the fact that I'm half French I don't speak the language so I'm relying on google translate. So if any French speakers out there are willing to correct any mistakes I'd be very great full. 


Arthur smiled softly in amusement as Alfred skipped along side him cheerfully, he could be such a child but it was endearing. The two of them were currently in Paris visiting Francis, but Arthur could only be around the Frenchman for so long before he wanted to strangle the man so Alfred had suggested that they take a walk. 

They both jumped when a frantic looking women ran up to them looking like she was seconds away from having a panic attack. She was speaking frantically in French and despite knowing Francis for almost his entire life Arthur had absolutely no idea what she was saying. Before he could question her in English Alfred placed his hands on her shoulders and to Arthur's surprise started speaking French 

"Madame, j'ai besoin de vous pour respirer profondément et vous calmer Je ne peux pas vous comprendre" He said softly causing the women to take a couple of deep breath and slowly but surely she began to calm down. 

"Maintenant dis-moi quel est le problème?" He asked softly causing her to give him a worried look. 

"C'est mon fils, nous nous sommes séparés dans la foule et je n'ai pas pu le trouver" She said worriedly as her breathing started picking up again but Alfred was quick to calm her down.   

"Ne t'inquiète pas madame, nous t'aiderons à le trouver" He said kindly causing a weak smile to appear on her face. 

"Merci Monssieur" She said in a relived tone of voice. They began walking away causing Arthur to awkwardly follow behind them. 

"What are we doing? And since when have you been able to speak French?" He hissed into Alfred's ear, the American glanced at him briefly before returning his attention back to the distressed women. 

"Later" He muttered which frustrated Arthur greatly. His frustration turned to awkwardness when both Alfred and the women started calling out someone's name. 

"Mère? Mère!"  little boys voice shouted as they ran around the corner and flung themselves into the women's arms. 

"Oh Gabriel j'étais tellement inquiet!" The women cried out in relief as she hugged the boy close to her chest. After checking to make sure he was alright she turned to give Alfred a large smile. 

"Merci beaucoup de m'avoir aidé monsieur" She said sincerely and Alfred just waved away her thanks with a faint blush on his cheeks. They soon said there goodbyes and then it was just Alfred and Arthur once again. 

"So?" Arthur questioned causing Alfred to shrug his shoulders as they started walking back toward Francis' place. 

"Her son got lost in the crowd and I was just helping her find him" He said simply causing Arthur to roll his eyes in exasperation. 

"I figured, what I mean't was when did you learn French?" He asked only for eyebrow to twitch in annoyance when Alfred's shrugged his shoulders again. 

"I've always had a knack for languages" Was all he said as he walked into Francis' house. Arthur stood there in silence for a minute before he went in as well and scowled at Alfred. 

"That wasn't an answer" He muttered but Alfred ignored him as he went to help Francis with dinner. Arthur huffed before he went into the living room and flopped down on the couch in frustration. 


Madame, j'ai besoin de vous pour respirer profondément et vous calmer Je ne peux pas vous comprendre  - Madam, I need you to breathe deeply and calm yourself I can not understand you  

Maintenant dis-moi quel est le problème?  - Now tell me what is the problem? It's my son, we parted in the crowd and I could not find him

C'est mon fils, nous nous sommes séparés dans la foule et je n'ai pas pu le trouver  - It's my son, we parted in the crowd and I could not find him 

Ne t'inquiète pas madame, nous t'aiderons à le trouver - Do not worry ma'am, we'll help you find him  

Merci Monssieur  - Thank you sir

Mère? Mère! - Mama? Mama!

Oh Gabriel j'étais tellement inquiet!  - Oh Gabriel I was so worried!  

Merci beaucoup de m'avoir aidé monsieur - Thank you very much for helping me sir 

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