Turtle Adoption

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Lovino blinked once then twice before letting out a long suffering sigh as he took a seat and stared at the five turtles in the aquarium just as Antonio walked into the room. The Spaniard paused when he noticed the deadpan expression the Italian was giving him as he gestured to the turtles. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. 

"I may have accidentally sort of adopted five turtles" He said sheepishly causing Lovino to sigh tiredly as he dragged his hand down his face.

"Why?" He asked in an exasperated tone of voice, and all Antonio did was shrug his shoulders sheepishly. 

"Because their adorable?" He said but it sounded more like a question which caused Lovino to once more sigh tiredly. 

"Yeah okay that sounds about right" He said tiredly before getting up and walking out the door. Antonio blinked in surprise that Lovino hadn't shouted/cursed at him before he shrugged his shoulder's and approached the tank to admire his babies. 

"Oh by the way, I ate the rest of the tomatoes" Lovino said as he peaked his head back into the room. Antonio stared at him in shock which caused a smirk to appear on the Italian's face before he once again walked away leaving behind the gaping Spaniard and his turtles. 

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