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Arthur grinned wickedly down at Antonio who was glaring up at him viciously. The Spaniard's arms were tied behind and two swords pointed at his neck. 

"Look at the mighty Captain Carriedo as powerless as a lamb" The Brit snickered causing Antonio growl as he tried to lung at him only to be stopped by the swords at his neck. 

"I'll fucking kill you Kirkland" He growled causing Arthur to chuckle in amusement.

"Awe! You think your a threat!" He teased as he reached over and grabbed the Spaniard's cheek and pulled slightly on it. 

"How cute~" He cooed before patting Antonio's cheek only for the Spaniard to try and bite him, he quickly pulled his hand away and gave the man a disapproving look. 

"Still as proud as ever I see, I assume this means your going to be as difficult as possible. Right?" He sniffed disdainfully causing Antonio to grin smugly. Arthur sighed in disappointment before giving the Spaniard a smirk. 

"I wonder if this will change your mind" He said smugly as he gestured for someone to come in. Two of his men's entered with Lovino Vargas held in their grasp, this made Antonio's eyes widen fearfully which caused Arthur's smirk to grow. 

"Aw that's the fear I wanted to see" He said as he stood up and towards over the Spaniard. Antonio looked at him and gave him a venomous glare. 

"If you hurt him, I swear I will end you" He growled causing Arthur to laugh in amusement. 

"Hurt him? Why I would never even think about hurting such a beauty" He said as he approached the wary Italian, the man's hazel eyes were glaring at him though Arthur noticed a few traces of fear in his beautiful eyes. 

"Besides Alfred could use a new friend" He said offhandedly  as he once again looked at the furious Spaniard. 

"Your a monster Arthur" He hissed causing Arthur to give him a cold look.

"I'm done speaking with you Antonio" He said darkly as he gestured for his men to take the Spaniard away. 

The last thing Antonio saw before he was dragged out of the room was Arthur's venomous green eyes and Lovino's fearful hazel one's. 

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