Science Is Fun

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"You think science is fun?" Gilbert asked baffled as he stared dumbfounded at Alfred who just raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. 

"Yes, and you don't?" He questioned curiously as he put his notes away, all Gilbert could do was shake his head in disblief. 

"What has Arthur done to you?" He demanded in a serious tone of voice causing Alfred to huff in amusement and roll his eyes fondly. 

"Nothing, Arthur is dreadful at science" He said in amusement as he turned to face the dumbfounded Prussian. Gilbert gaped at him for a sold 5 minutes before huffing and flopping down onto the American's couch. 

"Is that why he can't cook?" He asked and Alfred gave him a confused look before shrugging. 

"I don't think so, cooking is an art not a science that's baking" He explained as he flopped down next to Gilbert. 

"Ah, so he just sucks then" He said casually causing Alfred to laugh. Gilbert smiled in amusement at the laughing American before he picked up his controller. 

"Now are you ready to get you ass kicked in Mario Kart?" He asked cheerfully causing Alfred to snort in amusement. 

"In your dreams" He said teasingly as picked up his own controller and gave the Prussian a challenging smirk which Gilbert quickly returned. 

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