Target Practice

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"What your doing is illegal" Gilbert said panicked as he walked into the room and saw that Alfred and Natalya were both about to throw a throwing knife out the window at Arthur who impatiently ringing the doorbell. They both turned to face him and gave him a deadpanned look as Alfred pointed the knife at him. 

"I'm not taking advice from you. You pronounce the 'g' in lasagna" He drawled causing Gilbert to squawk in protest as Alfred and Natalya turned back to the window only to see that Arthur had walked away. 

"God damn it! He got away!" Natalya shouted in frustration as Alfred pouted before a devious smirk appeared on his face. 

"He couldn't have gotten to far away, we can probably still track him down" He said causing Natalya to smirk before he bolted out of the house. Gilbert face palmed before pulling out his phone. After only three rings it was picked up, without giving the person a chance to respond he started talking.

"Hey Ivan? Yeah it's Gil. Your sister and Alfred are trying to kill Arthur again" He said into the phone only to get a long suffering sigh in response. 

"I will deal with it" He sighed before hanging up. 

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