Free Daycare

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Alfred raised an eyebrow as he stepped out of the house and walked towards Lovino who was lounging in a lawn chair with a glass of lemonade. 

"Hey, Lovino where's Feliciano?" H asked curiously as he sat down on the other lawn chair. Lovino hummed as he handed him a glass of lemonade. 

"He's with the potato bastard and Kiku" He said dismissively causing Alfred to nod in understanding. 

"Do you ever jealous over the fact that Feli spends more time with them then he does with you?" He asked softly causing Lovino to snort in disbelief as he gave him a small smirk. 

"Are you kidding me? It's like free daycare" He said in amusement, and not even a minute after he said that an excited Feliciano and a terrified Kiku rushed passed them in a shopping cart while Ludwig chased after them in an attempt to stop them.

"I see what you mean" Alfred quipped causing a smirk to appear on Lovino face as he held his glass out. Alfred smirked as well before he clicked his glass against the Italian's. They then resumed watching Ludwig struggle to catch Feliciano and Kiku. 

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