Time Out

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Lovino paused in the doorway when he saw that Gilbert was sitting in the corner and pouting childishly, he sighed before he approached the Prussian. 

"What are you doing?" He asked which caused Gilbert to turn to face him, his pout still very prominent. 

"Ludwig put me in time out" He said childishly causing Lovino to give him a very confused look, last time he checked Gilbert was the older brother not Ludwig. 

"Why?" He prompted curiously while raising an eyebrow. 

"He asked me if I had anything to suck on during the flight so my ears don't pop and apparently 'I don't know what does the pilot look like' was not an acceptable answer" He whined causing Lovino to face palm in disbelief. 

"You are an idiot" Was all he said before he spun on his heel and strolled out of the room while shaking his head in exasperation. 

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