Sensory Overload

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Alfred slumped slightly into his seat as he softy rubbed at his forehead, he had a mildly annoyed expression on his face as he watched Arthur and Matthew chatting as they cooked breakfast. 

"Do you ever get so annoyed at everything that you start to get pissed of at even little things like a spoon clinking against a bowl or sounds of people talking?" He suddenly asked as he sat up causing the Francis and Matthew to turn and face him with concerned expressions on both of their faces. 

"I think it's called sensory overload it's really common in people with anxiety" Francis commented in a worried tone of voice while Matthew nodded in agreement, looking equally worried. 

"It can also be a result of sleep deprivation, stress, or even dehydration" Matthew added causing Alfred to nod to himself thoughtfully as he rested his head in his arms that were crossed on the table. 

"Thanks I thought I was just a bitch" He said sleepily before he fell asleep on the table leaving Francis and Matthew to stare at him in concern.

"I think we should force your brother to take a vacation before he kills himself" Francis said softly, to which Matthew just nodded softly in agreement. Alfred just continued to sleep completely oblivious to the scheming going on around him. 

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