Some Advice

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Gilbert and Antonio glance up when Francis shuffled into the room awkwardly. They watch as he paces back an forth as he wrung his hands before he stops in front of them and gave them a pleading look. 

"I need some advice..." He trailed off and wrung his hands nervously some more as he stared at them causing both of them to raise an eyebrow, though a cocky grin soon appeared on Gilbert's face. 

"Love advice? Trust me, I'm the expert. I'm experienced with everything" He said confidently causing Francis to give him a confused look while Antonio rolled his eyes. 

"Says the virgin" He drawled causing Gilbert to blush while Francis snickered in amusement. Antonio grinned before turning his attention back to Francis. 

"Now Francis what kind of advice did you need?" He asked which caused Francis to instantly become quiet. 

"I think Arthur's cheating on me" He mumbled weakly causing Gilbert and Antonio's eyes to widen in shock. 

"What makes you think that?" Gilbert asked worriedly. Francis pulled out is phone and handed it to him. He opened it and saw a picture of Arthur having tea with brunette who was leaning on his arm with a sultry smile, the real kicker though was the look in Arthur's eyes. The were practically oozing lust. 

"Lucille sent me this picture this morning and I don't know what to do" Francis mumbled weakly as he sat down in between the two of them. 

"You need to talk to him" Antonio insisted but that just made tears appear in Francis' eyes. 

"But what if it's just a misunderstanding and he gets offended and decides to break up with me?" He sobbed, Gilbert and Antonio shared a look before they pulled him into a tight group hug. 

"You'll never know until you confront him" Gilbert said softly. They stayed like that for what felt like hours before Francis gently pulled away and wiped away his years. 

"Your right I need to talk to him" He said seriously as he stood up and headed out of the room. Gilbert and Antonio stared after him. 

"If Arthur is cheating on him how likely do you think it will be that we get to be the ones to kill him?" Gilbert asked curiously causing Antonio ti huff. 

"Unlikely, Alfred and Matthew will definitely get to him first, that or Lucille and Michelle" He said offhandedly causing Gilbert to nod slowly in agreement. 

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