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Alfred stretched lazily across the couch as he turned a movie on, he suddenly turned his head to look at Arthur who was making tea in the kitchen. He just realized he didn't have any snacks for his movie. 

"Yo Arthur! Bring me some chips!" He called out causing the Brit to give him a very unimpressed look as he placed his hand on his hip. 

"Maybe if you ask nicely" He drawled causing Alfred to pout before he sat u and placed his hand on his chest as he gave the Brit a cheeky grin. 

"Oh wonderful and talented Arthur, please bring me some crispy snacks so that I might behold your beauty" He said dramatically causing Arthur to snort in amusement as he reached in the cupboard and grabbed a bag of chips for the American. He strolled into the living and plopped down on the ouch as he handed over the chips. 

"That's more like it" He said smugly with a smirk on his which made Alfred roll his eyes fondly  before he began eating his chips happily. Arthur rolled his eyes before he pulled the American closer and under his arm, Alfred wasn't fazed in the slightest he just snuggled closer so that they could both enjoy the movie. And yes it was a Disney movie. 

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