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Alfred let out a long suffering sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose while Arthur gave him a sheepish look. He glanced up and stared at the huge angry demon that Arthur had managed to summon. 

The demon was being held back by the salt circle Arthur had had the foresight to draw up. It was growling viciously as it paced in front of the them. Alfred titled his head as he observed it more closely, it kinda looked like a mix of a man, a tiger, and a bat. 

"Why did you think this was a good idea?" He asked as he turned his attention back to Arthur which seemed to piss the demon off because he let out an unholy screech. Arthur winced at the volume but Alfred just gave the demon a very unimpressed look. 

"Will you shut up? We're trying to have a conversation" He drawled which caused the demon to seethe while Arthur glanced back an forth between them nervously. 

"Why aren't you worshiping me, mortal?" It seethed causing Alfred to roll his eyes. 

"Not interested, thank" He said simply which made the demon absolutely loose it. Alfred sighed and gave Arthur a tired look. 

"No more demon summoning's or I'm telling Francis" Was all he said as he headed out of the room, Arthur could get rid of the thing on his own. 

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