Arthur Makes A Mistake

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Alfred grinned widely as he raced into Arthur's room and began shaking the Brit in an attempt to wake him up. 

"Wake up Arthur! We're going on an adventure!" He shouted excitedly only to get a pillow to the face from a very grumpy Brit who didn't even spare the American a look. 

"It's four am please shut the fuck up and go back to sleep" He growled as he snugged into his pillow and attempted to go back to sleep. Alfred pouted at his back childishly. 

"Fine be a party pooper, but I'm still going" He mumbled childishly and Arthur just waved his arm at him offhandedly. 

"Yes, yes go have fun but leave me alone" He grumbled causing Alfred to huff before he walked out of the room. He grabbed his backpack and headed out of the house and hopped into the waiting car. Gilbert, Francis, Antonio and Lovino raised an eyebrow when they saw that he was alone. 

"Is Arthur not coming?" Gilbert asked as he turned around to face the still pouting American. Alfred just nodded with a huff. 

"He's being a stick in the mud and wouldn't wake up" He pouted causing the others to snort in amusement. 

"That sounds like Arthur" Francis said in amusement as he also turned around to give Alfred a soft smile, he had only gotten the passenger seat because Antonio wanted a valid excuse to sit next to Lovino. 

"Don't worry Alfie we'll have plenty of fun without him" He said reassuringly while Gilbert and Antonio made sounds of agreement, Lovino just reached over and ruffled Alfred's hair. 

"He would have just dragged us down anyways" He said causing Alfred to giggle which made the others smile. 

"Your right let's forget that Debbie Downer and go blow shit up!" He said excitedly as he began to cackle which caused the others to join in as well as Gilbert drove away. 


Arthur snuggled back into his pillow until he heard the front door close and his conversation with Alfred finally processed. His eyes snapped open in horror as he struggled to get out of his bed only to get tangled in the sheets and fall to the ground. 

"Ow..." He groaned painfully as he laid there for a minute before he quickly jumped up and ran over to the window and pulled back the curtains just in time to watch a car drive away. Even with the window down he could hear the recognizable cackling of Alfred, Gilbert, Francis, Antonio and Lovino. He groaned as he sank back down to floor. 

"What did I just let happen?" He groaned to himself as he covered his face in disbelief. 

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