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Natalya hummed as she stepped into the mall only to notice Toris was sitting on a bench staring at one of the departments, she raised a confused eyebrow before she decided to approach the Lithuanian. 

"Toris? What are you doing here?" She questioned causing the man to give her a weak smile before he returned his attention to the department, which she now noticed sold pretty girly looking clothes. 

"Waiting for the storm to end" He said causing a confused look to appear on her face. Before she could question him further she noticed Alfred and Feliks rush out of the department that Toris was staring at with six bags each they glanced around briefly before they rushed over to Toris, barely even sparing her a glance. 

"Toris can you watch these for us?" Alfred asked and Toris just nodded before 12 different bags were dumped on him. 

"Thanks, Toris! Hi Nat, bye Nat" The two called before they rushed off towards the next department. Natalya just waved as she watched the two blonde runoff. She glanced back at Toris and saw that he was pushing the bags off of himself and onto the bench. When he realized she was staring at him he gave her a deadpanned look. 

"For your own sanity never agree to go shopping with them" He warned seriously and all she could do was nod. 

"If you know that they are so crazy when it comes to shopping, why did you agree to go?" She asked which caused a faint blush to appear on his face. 

"I am a weak man Natalya" Was all he said causing a faint smirk to appear on the Belarussian's face. 

"It was the puppy dog eyes wasn't it" She teased causing Toris to groan, this just made her giggle in amusement. 

She wasn't sure whether or not Feliks and Alfred realized just how much control they had over the Lithuanian, but if they did then they were a lot more devious then she gave them credit for. 

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